one || the blonde haired boy

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"Hurry up Hobi!! We're gonna be late!!"

Hoseok ran after his overly-energetic friend who seemed really excited to go to school today. He tried to pick up Jimin's pace but apparently, he was still too slow for him. In all honesty, Hoseok wasn't in the mood to go to school or to be positive on the first day but because of Jimin, he remained optimistic.

Jimin dragged his feet onto the school floor then he looked at the student listings that were pinned onto the corkboard. He quickly skimmed through it in hopes to find his and Hoseok's name written on the same paper—biting his lip in nervousness and hearing the beat of his pounding heart.

When Hoseok finally caught up with Jimin, an audible cheer came from the latter who was jumping up and down in radiant joy. A smile immediately formed on the former's face knowing that the reason behind Jimin's euphoric cheer was because of good news.

Jimin faced Hoseok with a wide happy grin planted on his face. "HOBI WE'RE CLASSMATES CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??"

"No, I don't."

His ecstatic expression suddenly turned into a sad pout which Hoseok finds completely adorable and something that is hard not to laugh at.

"I'm kidding Jiminie. But let me take a look for myself." Hoseok looked through the first paper until Jimin pointed at the one next to it.

"Here! We're in room 2!"

Hoseok quickly scanned the paper. "Huh, looks like you're right!"

"Why didn't you believe me?" Jimin pouted with his puppy dog eyes while facing Hoseok.

Hoseok couldn't help but laugh again and while in the midst of that, Jimin's cuteness made his heart flutter.

"You're such a cutie Jimin." Hoseok's hand made its way to Jimin's hair in a temptation to mess with it until Jimin slapped it away.

"Don't touch my hair! I made sure that it looks extra nice today!"

"Alright alright."

Jimin gave a glare at Hoseok but with the latter's joyful expression, it turned into a smile.

"Let's go Hobi!" Jimin took a quick glance at his watch then with the realization of what time it was, his eyes widened. "7 minutes until time LET'S GO!" Jimin grabbed Hoseok's hand then they both ran to their room before the long hand strikes to 6.

They entered their classroom and clearly the class was a mess. Not that the students' things were disorganized nor were there papers scattered on the ground but,

It wasn't a peaceful environment.


One of their classmates was chasing a brown-haired boy who was jumping over bags and passing through the aisles while trying his best to get away from the black-haired boy.

Jimin and Hoseok recognized this brown-haired boy and he was familiar to them—way too familiar.

The brown-haired boy ran to one of their classmates who was sleeping peacefully on his chair. The once peaceful bubble he had turned into chaos as the said boy popped his bubble, shaking him by the shoulder.

"Help me! Jin is chasing me!" He cautiously looked up then he sprinted again since Jin was nearing his tail. Now the cat and dog were running around their classmate who simply did his best to ignore them.

With the amusing site, Jimin couldn't help but laugh at Jin's face which was effortlessly funny. Meanwhile, Hoseok looked around to find some empty seats until he saw two at the back. Two empty seats that were next to each other.

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