seven || wish me luck

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Friday night has set aside, Saturday morning came to bloom. The sun rose from across the horizon, its colors blended the dark blue sky with a lighter shade of blue.

Inside the classroom, Jimin and Hoseok were soundly asleep, still having the same position from last night. Hoseok's head resting on Jimin's shoulder, Jimin resting his head on his best friend's head, fingers still tangled with each other.

The rays of the sun penetrated the very small window from the top of the wall, landing over the two best friends who were still fast asleep. Hoseok snuggled closer to him, moving his other hand and placing it on top of Jimin's.

Jimin did move a bit, settling himself closer to Hoseok.

They were in such a comfortable position, both were subconsciously awake and neither of them wanted to get up. They didn't want to disrupt this calm (and sweet) atmosphere that had enveloped them.

The silence was relaxing, it was so quiet and peaceful—

"What are you kids doing here???"

—that was until their silence was disrupted by the hoarse voice of an old man, shooting them awake.

Jimin and Hoseok scrambled off of each other, eyes now staring at the old janitor who caught both of them.

"You two should've headed home yesterday!"

The best friends stood up at once and bowed apologetically at the janitor, "We're sorry sir!" They say in unison. Jimin then explained, nearly fumbling his words, "We were locked in yesterday so we were– had no other choice but to sleep here—"

"Yeah right," The old janitor knitted his eyebrows at the two of them, "Just get out of here before the teachers arrive."

Jimin and Hoseok bowed once again, apologizing to the janitor. They grabbed their bags from the ground and ran at the speed of lightning, out of the room after saying their millionth apology to him.

The old janitor rolled his eyes. He looked down at the floor and mopped it. It was still quite dirty (which Jimin forgot to clean) which made the janitor feel a bit annoyed. He grumpily muttered under his breath, "Couples."

The best friends escaped the school without having to stumble upon any of their teachers or the school staff, which was really fortunate for them. Now that they were out of that hell hole, they walked back to their houses together in a less tensed atmosphere.

The two of them had been quiet on their journey back to their homes. But it was noticeable that they would keep on stealing glances at the other, hiding their smiles and their faces from blushing like an idiot.

Jimin turned his head towards Hoseok, the other doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. With that, their gazes interconnected. The colors of pink had appeared on their cheeks as they smiled widely, completely shutting out the logic that they were totally in love.

Breaking off the silence, Jimin first spoke, "If a teacher was there, they totally would've given us another detention."

Hoseok laughs, "Yeah, yeah they would."

And that was their very brief conversation.

Both of them really liked the silence they had, it was pleasant and they needed no words for them to communicate. Their presence and touches were already enough.

Hoseok moved closer to Jimin, wrapping his arm around the other while interlocking fingers with him. Jimin allows him to hold his hand gently since now, he seems used to it. They seemed used to it. Holding hands like this, as if they were a couple, came to be so natural to them.

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