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"It's a shame that he couldn't be here." Jungkook traced a circle on the table out of boredom.

Jimin knew specifically who the younger was talking about so he puts on a faint smile, "Well, he needed to go elsewhere." 

Taehyung pouts like a kid towards Jimin. He crosses his arms, "Why did Hoseok have to go." Jimin bites back a laugh, finding it to be silly for some reason.

He gave him no reply, diverting his attention to the glass cup in front of him. The smile he had faded into a line, having the thought of Hoseok in his head.

There was a reason to smile today, and that was he and his friends are going to have a reunion. They hardly see nor talk to each other since all of them were busy and were studying in different universities.

Today was the day they would finally meet up after so long, although, it was a shame to not have Hoseok around. He was Jimin's only reason why he wasn't feeling as excited as he should be. The longing for his boyfriend made his lips downturn.

This day could've been a perfect day, but since Hoseok was elsewhere, he could only hope that his friends would be able to turn his frown around.

"Come on Jimin, turn that frown upside down."

Jimin turns to the side and there he sees Jin and Namjoon enter the restaurant. A half-smile was brought upon Jimin's lips, happy to see a few more of his friends coming. He wanted to greet them, to at least bring a word out, but then Jungkook and Taehyung preceded him, springing from their seats and running to the newcomers. 

They greeted them enthusiastically, extremely happy that the two could make it. After greeting each other, hugging and shaking hands, Jimin found a chance to speak up. "I'm glad you guys could make it!"

"We haven't seen each other in quite a while." Namjoon states. "I would drop everything just to have a reunion with my second family."

They awed at his sincerity. Jin gave Namjoon a quick peck on the cheek, causing his boyfriend to blush—and unintentionally making Jimin lowkey jealous.

Taehyung and Jungkook returned to their seats while Seokjin and Namjoon took their own. While Taehyung goes ahead and calls the waiter for the menus, Namjoon turns his attention to Jimin and asks, "By the way, where's Hoseok?"

Hearing that name stung his heart, but he continues to smile bitterly. "He's in America, studying dance."

"For how long?"

"After we graduated."

"Long-distance relationships are sad," Jin says, placing his elbow onto the table and resting his chin onto his palm.

Jimin lets out an airy laugh, "It's alright." Not really, to be honest. Wanting to avoid this topic, he averted his attention to the menu.

Seokjin leaned over to Namjoon and whispered something to him. The latter's eyes widened upon hearing what he said. He, in turn, passes the message to Taehyung who did the same to Jungkook, keeping their voices low from Jimin.

Instead of him looking through the menu and thinking of what he should order, his mind drifted off to his sea of thoughts. The topic of long-distance relationships had invaded his mind.

Some couples had to go through these types of relationships and the effect of this is either their bond will remain strong or it will weaken and the trust amongst themselves will tear in sunder.

Jimin never liked the idea of long-distance relationships and he never wanted to be in one, but he had become a victim of it; for a few years now. After senior high, Hoseok decided to study in America and once he had talked to Jimin about this, it saddened him. He would be lonely, that was the only thought that went through Jimin's mind as he heard this news from Hoseok. Neither of them wanted to be separated from the other but they both had dreams they've wanted to accomplish.

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