two || dance to the music

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"Hoseok!! Hurry up!!"

"I'm coming!" Hoseok hurriedly wore his shoes, hopping towards the door with one foot since he was struggling to wear the other. Once he was able to slip his shoe on, he opened the door and there revealed Jimin who was standing right in front of him. All dressed in his school uniform and ready to go.

"You're a bit late today." Jimin chuckled.

"I got up late. I forgot to set my timer." Hoseok scratched the back of his head, a bit embarrassed to have kept his best friend waiting.

"Yeah right." Jimin playfully rolled his eyes. He faced away from Hoseok then he held his hand, intertwining fingers with him.

Hoseok was already used to this kind of gesture from Jimin but it was impossible for him to not blush. Fortunately for him, Jimin never noticed. Whenever they hold hands in this way, Hoseok's heart would always start beating faster than the normal and it would be those times when he would desperately want to control the pace of his own heartbeat.

Jimin and Hoseok were walking down the sidewalk with Jimin being in the inside and Hoseok being on the out. The boy on the left was humming to a tune to a beautiful song which was recognizably 'Happy Little Pill' by Troye Sivan.

"My happy little pill,
Take me away
Dry my eyes,
Bring colors to my skies
My sweet little pill..."

Jimin had the voice of an angel. Whenever he sings, the music the escaped the lips of the younger soothed Hoseok. This was another reason why he had a crush on Jimin. It was because of his beautiful voice. Sometimes, he would even be jealous since he couldn't sing as good as that.

Jimin's eyes wandered over to Hoseok then he caught the latter staring fondly at him. He was caught off guard. He faked a cough then remained silent afterward.

"Hey, why did you stop?" Hoseok asked, stifling a laugh.

Jimin pouted, "Oh nothing." It was clear that he was flustered at the current situation. Jimin doesn't sing a lot, other than inside the shower, and he wasn't really confident whenever he sings, especially when Hoseok is around.

In the midst of being flustered, Hoseok continued to compliment him. "Jimin, you have such a sweet voice. You should sing more."

"I-I don't know." He unintentionally stuttered. He faced away from Hoseok, looking down at the paved sidewalk. A faint pink blush appeared on Jimin's cheeks which the elder of the two didn't notice at first. "I think I'm better off with dancing than singing honestly."

"You could do both." Jimin looked back at Hoseok who just continued to smile at him. It looked like a teasing smile but at the same time, it was a serious one and Jimin could tell. A smile slipped its way to Jimin's slips since Hoseok's smiles were always contagious.

"Well, you do want to woo the music prodigy right?"

It took a few seconds to sink in and when it did, Jimin punched Hoseok on the shoulder which caused the latter to laugh, and he knew very well that he deserved it.

"Shut up." Jimin chuckled while shaking his head; turning towards the front.

Silence filled in between them. It wasn't an awkward silence but, it was more comfortable. Both of them were distracted in their own thoughts and the music of the trees and the birds was pleasing to their ears.

An idea came up in Jimin's mind. A cheeky grin made its way to his lips. He looked over to Hoseok then he said, "How about this," Hoseok looked at him with his head cocked to the side, "I dance while you sing."

Hoseok was surprised at this sudden request.

"Oh no, I don't want to sing." Hoseok lets out a flustered laugh. Jimin looked at him with another pout; trying his best act cute. And by that time, Hoseok knew that he was torturing him with his cuteness. He internally sighed.

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