Chapter Six

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My body shivers with each step I take. The heavy rain had slowed to a light drizzle now, the water misting over my face with the wind. The clothes on my body weighed me down heavily, each step I took feeling as if I was carrying fifty pounds.

When I can't walk anymore, I trail over to the edge of the sidewalk and plop down on the curb. My teeth chatter so harshly I'm scared they'll break at any given point. I look around me for the first time since leaving Sebastian's house and walked aimlessly. My body tenses as I don't recognize the landmarks. Now elderwood isn't a large town, but that doesn't mean the town isn't still divided. Like I'm in the rich part of town and the only time I'm here is to go to Sebastian's house.

Across from me is a single house. I look to the direction I had just come from to see the houses had grown more spaced out now. I hope I didn't reach the edge of town. I wouldn't say Sebastian's neighborhood is close to the border, but I had been walking for so long and I really don't think I could walk back.

Sighing in relief, I pull my phone out once I remember that I do have one. Feeling like an idiot, I dial the first number I see. Micah's. Looks like she had been the last person to text me today and I hadn't even looked at it.

"What's up, babe?" Micah answers on the first ring, cheer in her voice.

"Micah?" I call out hesitantly as if I'm testing the waters. "Can you come get me?"

"Hold on, Em." Micah says. I hear shuffling on the other end then the sound of a door slamming. "Where are you?"

I look around before getting up when I see no street signs. Deciding to go back the way I came, I begin walking. It's a good thing I did because I then see a turn that leads to a dead end but a road sign at the corner.

"Palmer Street." I tell her softly. "I'm in Sebastian's neighborhood somewhere, but I don't know where. I can't...I don't know, Micah. Please come get me."

"Okay, calm down, Em." She tells me. Her voice is soothing like a lullaby. "I'm on my way, I promise. Just stay on the phone with me."


* * *

I look up when a car stops next to me, my face having previously been in my knees. The rain had completely stopped now. It had left behind a thick fog, shadowing everything in a far distance. By now a cold would've started setting in from being out in this weather. My clothes were stuck to my body and my hair was matted to my forehead. With my luck, I'll probably get pneumonia.

My eyes squinted as the sound of a car door slamming was heard. My heart sped up at the possibility of this being a random stranger. Hopefully it was Mich coming to rescue me and not some creep coming to kidnap me.

My prayers are answered s her raspy voice is heard. "Em!" She exclaims as she steps to to me. Micah stares at me in concern before and kneels in front of me.

"Why are you out here alone?" She questions. I could see the cogs turning in her head and I can tell she wants to ask something else, but something in my face must've stopped her. "Come on, let's get you in the warmth."

Micah reaches for me. I feel her arms wrap under my arms before she helps me stand from the sidewalk. My legs are asleep and soon I feel the infamous pins and needles. With a wince, and the help of Micah, I stumble my way to the passengers side of the car. I think I mumble an apology, just now realizing I'm soaked and her seats are suede instead of leather

Micah closes the door behind me before she rushes to the drivers side. She pulls the door open and takes her seat, her hand shooting to the controls of her car. Soon heat is blasting out, warming my body up, thankfully. I hadn't realized how cold it was until now. Violent shivers run through my body, my teeth chattering loudly.

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