Chapter Five

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I'm pretty sure you already know it by now, I know in there are no robo children in cannon expect Michael *even tho he isn't a child* but we are going to bend that rule, for now,//

I was on my way to the place I shouldn't be going, the place where I met Michael when he was tied up when I got there I looked at the home that was closest to it, it was small and didn't seem to have a driveway since there was a Purple car sitting outside the house, I then went towards the renounced building and pushed the door open.

"Great (Y/N), I knew this wasn't the best idea," I told myself once the door tumbled off its hinges and crashed to the floor. Something didn't seem right about this place it didn't have the same feeling as it did when Michael was here. There was a mechanical whir cutting the once soundless building. I sighed heavily before pulling out my flashlight clicking it on.

Scott's Pov

I had met up with my father Dave Miller more commonly known as William Afton. The conversation went something along the lines of 

S: "Where's Lizz"

W: "She's dead, now for the reason I wanted you here"

S: "What do you mean she's dead"

W: "She died at the grand opening  of Circus Baby's Pizza"

S:  "Why the hell didn't you tell me about this,"

W: "Because you would want to come back I didn't need you to see my newest creation,"

S: "And what is that exactly,"

W: "Well I like to introduce you to Isaac Afton,"

S: "What do you mean...."

With that, I saw something I didn't want to believe I saw myself with glowing Blue eyes, wearing the same Grey shirt and Blue shorts and grey shoes, the same thing I wore that fateful day. "Greetings Father, Isaac," it said. 

"What the hell is that.... thing?" I asked. 

"That thing is my son," My Father answered.

"No, it isn't" I replied quickly.

"If that's true then Michael isn't my son isn't anymore as well," He added with a sickening smile

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well after you killed him and I had to pull the plug on the machine, I rebuilt him to look, act, and think like a human... he even bleeds like one too, he doesn't even know he isn't human..." My father finished. Then it hit me like a truck, Michael didn't even seem to recognize me... or have any wounds of the bite... he didn't have that Fredbear plushie anymore as well.

I ran out of my father's house past his purple car and drove back to the Pizzeria, that was two days ago now I sit in the security office with Michael's old Fredbear plushie sitting on the desk, Michael will come in soon and so will (Y/N) but hopefully Michael gets here before (H/H)... I can only wait and see... I will need to change my last name soon, I will no longer be apart of the Miller family.  I just hope I don't have to tell Michael about what he is because it's all my fault.

They never showed up so I decided to record Michael another phone call for his new nightshift while I was doing mine, I knew the animatronics were trying to murder me since it was '4 AM' I had my left door shut because foxy was about to run down the hall and I had the cams on the kitchen cam.

"Hello, hello, hey... hey wow day 4 I knew you could do it... uh hey listen I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow, it's-it's been a bad night here for me...Um, I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you... uh when I did, uh hey do me a favor uh maybe sometime, uh, you could check inside those suits in the back room" I said trying to lead Michael into finding what his father did. 

"I'm going to try and hold out until someone checks... Maybe it won't be so bad... yeah I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there..." I added and on what seemed to be right on cue, Fredy had entered the kitchen. 

"You know..." I tried to think of something to add before I saw Chica enter my office from the right side all I could say was "Oh no" and think 'My evil past will always haunt me, this is the path I have chosen... My future's looking dark and short-lived, this is my fault and everyone knows.'

(Y/N) Pov,

I found nothing too interesting about the old place only a small vent I couldn't fit through that didn't seem to lead to anywhere, I had 12 missed calls from Michael but I still didn't want to talk to him but I did miss my work and the time was '6 AM' so it was a good time to go home and call Scott to apologize to him for not being at work today I didn't even realize how much time has passed until I looked at the time. Great Scott might fire me when I get to work tomorrow if he doesn't fire me over the phone.

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