Chapter 9

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Chili's P.O.V.

Once we got to Coral's room, she lied down in her bed. She had changed into her nightclothes earlier. Putting the covers up to her chin. I lied down next to her, on top of the covers. "You ready little Chili?" I asked.
She smiled. "Yeah, and I'm not little!"
"That's it! That's what a Mini Chili would say! Your promoted to Mini Chili. Mostly because I know you pull some pretty good pranks here and there," I replied. "Okay, so it all started when your father, Uncle Cilan and me-"
"It's I, not me." My blue headed niece said laughing a little.
I sighed. "Oh boy Mini Chili... Anyway! It all started when we were five years old..."

3rd Person P.O.V.

Five year olds Cress, Cilan, and Chili were getting ready for bed. Chili was looking out the window when all of a sudden Chili saw something. "Hey! Ciwan, Cwess! I think there's a Pokémon outswide!" Chili said.
"Let's just weave it awone." Cress said putting his slippers next to his bed.
"Cwess is right, Mommy and Daddy told us we need to get weady for bed," Cilan commented.
"Oh, come on. Let's go outswide and find it!" Chili said excitedly.
"Hm," Cilan thought for a moment. " I guess we could. Mommy and Daddy might never find out."

How wrong they were.

The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
In my opinion, putting your life to rest to save someone loved greatly.

"Cwess, are you coming?" Chili asked.
Cress nodded. "Yes, but I stiwll dont think it's a good idewa..." Cress stood up. "But if Mommy and Daddy find out, it was Chiwi's idea."
"Agreed." Cilan said.
"Agre- Walt, what?" Chili asked.
"Nothing," Cress and Cilan said, smiling.
"Okay, let's go!" Chili said as he ran to the bedroom door.
"Wait! Chiwi!" Cilan exclaimed.
"It's snowing outside." Cress commented. "We need coats and shoes."
"Oh yeah," Chili said holding out the 'yeah'. The Striaton Triplets got their coats out of the big closet. Blue for Cress, green for Cilan, and of course, red for Chili.
"Who should wead?" Cress asked.
"Cwess." Cilan answered.
"Cwess." Chili agreed.
"Okay," Cress said. "It's officiawl. I'm weading."
Chili put his hand up. "I'll go see where Mommy and Daddy are!" The red headed triplet walked out of their bedroom, down the hall, and through the kitchen. Both their mother and father err storing at the long wooden table, drinking tea and talking.
"Sweetie," Their mother said. "We told you to get ready for bed, but your in your coat."
"I wasn't gowing to sweep in it. Me, Ciwan, and Cwess were pwaying dwess up!" Chili said.
"Dear, it's 'I' not 'me'. And why are you talking so fast? You only do that when your nervous." Their mother said, smiling tiredly.
"Honey, Cilan is the one who talks fast when he's nervous. Chili is always hyper." Their father said, equally tired.
"Hm, I suppose your right. Oh, and Chili, tell your brothers it's time for bed." Said the yawning mother.
Chili smiled 'innocently'. "Okway Mommy."
"O-kay Chili." Their father said helping Chili pronounce 'okay'.
"We'll be up in a minute to tuck you three in."
"O-kay! Night!" Chili said running back up the stairs.  The parents smiled. They had such wonderful children.
When Chili made it back up to the triplets room he closed the door. "Mommy and Daddy are I the kitchen."
"Okway-" Cress started.
"O-kay." Chili corrected.
"O-kay." Cress said correctly. "We can go throwgh the back door. Our shoes are there anyway."
"Yay! Let's go!" Chili exclaimed.
"Chiwi," Cilan said. "Be quiet!" Chili remained silent. The Striation Triplets walked quietly out of their room, down the hallway, and to the back door. They silently put on their shoes.
"Ciwan, can you help me with my shoes?" Chili asked quietly. Cilan nodded and helped him put on his shoes. Cress silently opened the door and they ran out.
"Hey, I found it! Wook!"
Cress took a few steps back. "I don't think we should be here. Let's go back..."
"That's a Zoroark!" Cilan screamed.
Just then, their parents came out. Their mother threw up two Pokèballs. "Pansage, Panpour, get the boys!
Their father threw the next one. "Pansear! Go get help!"
"Boys, get home!" Their mother screamed, she had tears in her eyes.

Chili's P.O.V.

I left out the part where we ran home, but never saw our parents after that night. I changed the end to be some epicness where we were saved but the legendary Pokémon from Sinnoh, Pokèmon of time, Dialga!

Cress's P.O.V.

I walked into Coral's room halfway through the story and immediately knew which story it was. I had tears in my eyes. When he finished the story I was glad. He didn't tell her the correct ending. By the time I looked up from the floor, which I had been staring at since I came in, both Coral and Chili were asleep. I smiled and went over to them, kissing their foreheads. Then I went to my room and got ready for bed.


So a while ago Persephone0170 wrote this part. All I'm saying is,
A.) The Triplets are too cute!!!
B.) Gen 8 was just announced today!!!!

Get ready for N soon!!!

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