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"Just once, I'd like a week where we didn't run into a near-death scenario." Yumi sighs. "Is that too much to ask for?"

We had just come back from Lyoko, and Jeremie was setting up an RTTP. There was an asteroid that was harmlessly passing by, and Xana somehow found out and managed to take control of the military satellite once again. He shot it into pieces that were big enough to crush the school and the surrounding area. We had about half an hour to convince the school to evacuate and go onto Lyoko to deactivate the tower. Thanks for the copy and paste attack, Xana.

Odd smiles and throws his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, look on the bright side-"

"There's a bright side?" William faintly laughs. "I didn't think such a thing existed."

"That makes two of us." Ulrich plops down on the floor next to Yumi.

Odd rolls his eyes. "You're all a bunch of downers."

I slump against the wall. "What do you expect from a group of teens who're physically and mentally exhausted every day?"

"She's not wrong." Aelita shrugs.

"Anyway, my point is that Xana has only attacked five times this week! Better than last month!"

Everyone lets out a frustrated noise.

I look over at William for some sort of explanation. He shakes his head. "We don't speak of November."

"Alright. . . ?"

Jeremie mumbles a Return to the Past, and we're quickly greeted with a blinding flash of white.

"Oh my god, it's Uno."

Elliot tilts his head. "How are you so good at this game?"

My hand is hovering over the stack. I had just placed my last card down. Elliot still had about three cards left. "I don't know; I've never really played it before this." We're sitting right outside the of the school gates. Elliot is waiting to get picked up by his mom.

"Okay, then. Wanna play another round?"


"Oh! Do you mind telling me more about that story from lunch?"

I gather the cards and start to shuffle them. "Mmmm, remind me what it was again?"

"Something about a computer virus and a factory, I think."

My body tenses up. Was he serious? Please tell me I didn't actually tell him. Maybe he found out by himself? Is it too late the play dumb?

"A-Are you sure you didn't tell it to me?" I say. "I'm sure I would remember something like that."

"No, I'm sure." Elliot shakes his head. "Is there something troubling you? You seem nervous."

"No?" I glance down at my lap. "Well yeah. . . I just don't think it's okay for me to tell you the rest of that story."

"Oh. . ." He slumps. "That's fine. I understand."

An awkward silence slips in between us as I pass out the cards. Elliot seems fine, but I feel guilty. I think I remember promising him that I'd finish the story, just not what it was about. And if the others found out, there would be a riot.

"Okay, just tell me this." Elliot looks up from his cards. "How good are you at keeping a secret?"

"I don't really have many other friends to share things with." He fidgets with the ends of his sleeves. "Is that good enough?"

"As long as you're working at your own pace." I smile. "I'll tell you when we get to your place, okay?"

Elliot walks into the room with a tray of sweets. He sets it down on the table and plops down beside me — two cups of hot chocolate, as well as two chocolate muffins.

"How fancy." I hold the cup in my hands. The heat feels so nice on my skin. I take a small sip and become overwhelmed with warmth and flavor.

"I-Is it good?" I nod. "I'm glad you like it. I made it myself."

"Hey, guess what?" Elliot takes a sip, and his face scrunches up. He must've burned his tongue. "You're amazing because this is also amazing!"

He smiles, his cheeks are a soft pink. "It's nothing too special. It's simple, really. If you want, I could show you how to make it sometime?"

"Uh, heck yeah, I do! I'm looking forward to it."

My legs are pressed against my chest; one arm is wrapped around them while the other is holding the cup.

"Soo~ ready to hear the rest of the story?"

"Yes, please!"

"Okay, so, everything takes place at the abandoned factory that's not too far from the school. And there's this insane Supercomputer that has an evil virus known as Xana."

Elliot nods his head. He's eagerly listening to everything I have to say.

"And there are these Scanners that transport my friends and me to a digital world called Lyoko where we fight it!" I laugh as I remember some of the episodes the gang went through. It quickly fades when the thought of Monday comes up. "Yeah. . . It's not all that fun unless you have a cheery attitude."

"Wait, this isn't just a story," Elliot shifts in his seat. "I-Is it?"

I gaze up at the ceiling. "Unfortunately no. . . We have this thing where we go back in time to right before the disaster Xana caused that day. So no one gets hurt or remembers what happens."

Elliot seems to be in shock. "What kind of disasters do you deal with?"

"Well it's sent monsters from Lyoko, caused a blizzard, almost sunk the school into the ground, sent everyone into space, turned people into zombies, possessed people as well as a swarm of deadly rats, crows, and bees." I sigh. "The list can go on and on."

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry. All of that sounds awful. . . I know I can't do much, but you could always rant to me about your day when this happens?" He offers. "I mean, only if you want to?"

"Yeah, sure! I'll keep a small journal and let you read afterward!" I smile. I'm surprised by how well he's taking this. Most people would deny the story and call us crazy. "There was actually one today earlier today with an asteroid. I think I might've gotten some kind of whiplash."

"Oh?" Elliot fidgets with the ends of his sleeves. "I-I know we haven't known each other for long, but promise me you'll be careful?"

"Of course, dork. I'm as careful as it gets." I scoot closer and wrap the blanket around us. The blanket accidentally hits my cup and spills cocoa onto my lap. "y-yEAH, SEE? VERY CAREFUL!"

{Edited 2/11/20}

{1094 Words}

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