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"Psssst, (Y/n)!" Odd taps my shoulder. "You wanna sneak out later?"

"Like out of class?" I ask. "Or sneak out of the school?"

"Out of school, duh!" He grins. "I wanna show you around France!"

"Della-Robbia! (L/n)!" Mrs. Hertz snaps. "Either pipe down, or I'll send you both to the Principal's Office!"

We're supposed to be focusing on the quiz in front of us, something to do with Earth's minerals. It's a short quiz with ten easy questions; it took me only a few minutes to complete. However, Odd, on the other hand, hasn't even written his name down.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

I pull out a piece of paper and continue the conversation there.

'So like, after classes or are we skipping Gym?'

I slide over the paper, and he starts to scribble down his response.

'skip gym!!! so what if Jim marks us absent?? its only 1 time!'

The bell rings, and students rush to hand in their test and leave the classroom. Odd panics and rushes to fold his quiz into one of his famous paper cranes. I roll my eyes and snatch the paper from him, unfolding it and quickly writing down some of the answers.

"There," This way, you'll at least get a C," I say, handing Mrs. Hertz our test. She narrows her stare as we rush out of the classroom.

"You're an actual god; you know that?" Odd hugs me from the side. "One that deserves a tour of France!"

"Is that why you guys got in trouble?" Ulrich steps out of class, Jeremie and Aelita following from behind. "What, you going on a date or something?"

"Date!?" I panic, shaking my head. "No, no, no, no, no! Definitely not a date! It's anything but a date!"


"Good luck with that," Jeremie says. "You know we have Gym next hour? You don't exactly have the best attendance record, Odd."

"Pshh! I've thought of a plan for that!" Odd rest his arm on Jeremie's shoulder. "We'll use some clones! Jim'll never notice!"

"What? Are you crazy or just plain stupid?" Jeremie shakes his head. "Do you even remember what happened last time we did that?"

"I think we should do it!" Aelita chirps. "It's only for one period. Xana won't have much time to initiate an attack."

All eyes turn to Jeremie, eagerly awaiting his hopefully-not so-predictable-answer. "Fine!" He groans. "Just don't come crying to me if this ends up terribly."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Einstein!" Odd cheers with glee. He grabs my hands and slowly begins tugging me towards the dorms. "We gotta go to my room real quick! I need to grab my wallet."

"Fine. Lead the way, Dork."

Sneaking out wasn't really too hard. We just did what we usually do for a Xana attack, and boom, we're waltzing out of the Factory looking like two teens who're about to commit arson. Nothing weird about that.

"Alright! For the first stop of the day, I gotta show you this awesome bakery! It has the best sweets in Paris~!" Odd grins, almost skipping with each step.

"It's not called something like Tom and Sabrine's something bakery? Right?"

"Oh, wow, how d'ya know!?" He lightly gasps. "I mean, you were close but still! Does this mean you're actually physic?"

「Odd x Reader」Edge of RealityWhere stories live. Discover now