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Jughead's POV:
After Betty and the anonymous person left, Sweetpea, Fangs and I bolted out the door to go and follow the anonymous person and Betty.


We have been tailing him for 10 minutes and we were getting bored. Then, he stopped at an abandoned warehouse. He dragged Betty inside by the hair and then it instantly hit me, we were at the house of the dead! Aka, THE GHOULIES LAIR!!!!!!

Jughead-This is the house of the dead!
Sweetpea-Lets go to the car and call the Wyrm.
Fangs and Jughead-Agreed.

We went back to the car and dialled the Whyte Wyrm.

Phone Call:
Hog Eye-Hello?
Jughead-Put it on speaker please Hog Eye.
Hog Eye-Certainly boss.
(Puts on speaker)
Jughead-Serpents, listen up, Betty, your queen has been captured by the Ghoulies. We have to help her. Let's all meet at the house of the dead. Remember the third law, No Serpent Is Left For Dead.
Serpents-Roger that boss. No Serpent Is Left For Dead!
Jughead-That's it for now, bring weapons and be quiet. Cheryl, your bow and arrow will be needed.
Cheryl-Kk boss, No Serpent Is Left For Dead, especially not my dear cousin, Betty.
Jughead-We gotta go.
End Of Phone Call


I see the Serpents pull up. We go to the and tell them the plan and their positions.

Jughead-Cheryl, Toni, you two will be storming in with Sweetpea, Fangs and I. Hog Eye, Tall Boy, Smithy, Darts, Dad, Dangs and Sockie, you guys will be guards, and the rest of you, for you guys, think between yourselves who will be on weapons and who will be on lookout. Half of you in with with us and half of you out here on lookout.
Everybody-That's fine by me.
Jughead-Come on, into places.

Sweetpea, Fangs, Toni, Cheryl And I get ready to burst in, me at the front, Toni, Sweetpea and Fangs behind me and Cheryl at the back, so if the try to pull a knife or a gun, Cheryl can cut through us and show them what she got.

We stormed in and they all looked out way, we saw Betty, sat there, looking fine, but hyperventilating. Crap, she's having a panic attack.

Penny-Well, well, well, Jughead Jones here for blondie. God, blondie is an idiot, breathing so much.

As Betty was hyperventilating, Penny turned around and said:-

Penny-Guys, Hurt her. She won't shut up.
Cheryl-Well they can't if I hurt them first. Leave my cousin, our Serpent queen alone or I swear to God, I will kill every single one of you. Besides, I only miss when I mean to.
Penny-Ghoulies, down.

Betty was hyperventilating so much she probably couldn't speak. Sweetpea, Fangs and I ran over to Betty to help her. Cheryl and Toni still had weapons pointed to them.

Jughead-Betty, look at me, breath.

Betty was still struggling to breath.

Sweetpea-Betty, hey, breath.

Betty was still struggling to breath.

Fangs-Let's get her to a hospital.
Sweetpea and Jughead-Agreed.

I picked Betty up bridal style and as I was walking out, I shouted,

Jughead-Cheryl, Toni, let's go.
Cheryl and Toni-Coming.

Cheryl released an arrow at Penny and and left.

We brought Betty to the truck and asked her to follow my breathing, but still couldn't do it.

We arrived at the hospital and asked for a doctor. Doctor Masters came to us and took Betty to a room. As he was walking, Betty passed out, so he had to put her on a stretcher.

Soon, everybody came to check on Betty.


We have been waiting for two hours waiting for news. Doctor Masters soon came out, but didn't look too happy.

Doctor Masters-I'm very sorry but.....

Hey guys,
Guess who's back, back again, Ruby's back, tell a friend. Sorry it's been long, just took a few days off of writing. What do you think Doctor Masters was going to say?
Comment down below and don't forget to vote. Also, thank you all so much for 5K reads on this book. It is much appreciated.

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