Chapter 2~ Well this is awkward

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Chapter 2~ Well this is awkward

I walked to my seat and noticed that Jai was just looking straight on yet again he didn't even say hello. I alwalys liked computers lets just say im a bit of it geek we had a assignment to do for the next 2 weeks and we had to partner up seeming as im new i didn't know anyone well except Jai but he hated me so when Mr. Blake said that we will be partnered up with the person we are sitting next to i just knew that this was going to be a very hard 2 weeks and kowing that my partner that i have to work with for the next 2 week hates me i set myself a challange this is going to be hard but i need to know why Jai Brooks hates me so much.

Jai Pov-

I wasn't in the best of moods this morning someone hacked into my twitter and started to send nasty tweets to fans which i would never do as i could see fans started to unfollow me on twitter and started to make hastags that began to trend one was #jaiisacunt #unfollowjai #jaiismeantoallfan that one hurt me most i love all my fans. When Luke kept telling me to hurry on i was getting more mad i havent forgotten about walking the new girl to school but to be honest i didn't care. I walked downstairs and saw her she was beautiful even in the uniform but all i could think about was that cunt that hacked my twitter i need to find out who it was. Luke introduced me to Emily a beautiful name for a beautiful girl i just nodded at her a walked into the kitchen to get a apple i know i shouldn't have done that but i need to sort this whole twitter thing out before i talk to the Emily my god she was beautiful. After grabbing something to eat Emily and Luke were walking ahead of me laugh and having a chat i wonder what she is laughing at her laugh is just wow Emily looks back and i go back onto my phone and try sort out twitter i tweet back to everyone that has been hurt but most of them blocked me so i decide to a public tweet so that can everyone can see. "Hey everyone im so sorry for what tweets some of ye got but it wasn't me someone hacked into my account im so sorry i love you all".By the time i finish the tweet we are at school i see Skip and James over by the bench and i see the group of sluts that always try to hangout with us i walk over to skip and james forgetting to say by the Luke and Emily but by the time i turn around they are in the building already. "hey boys" i say to Skip and James they both say hey back then Jenny comes over to me and start rubbing my arm she knows i dont like her she needs to get over me we had a thing last year but she just became to clingy since then her and her sluty friends wont leave us alone the boys ask where Luke is and i tell them about Emily and skip says Is she hot i look at him with a glare and he knows not to say anymore. I walk to class and i have science i liked this subject but im never good at it i need someone to help me a tutor or someone. it was about 10 mintes into the class and i heard a knock on the door and then i saw her again Emily she looked really nervous Mr.Blake stood up and was just about to ask who was she and why was she late when she told him who she was but Luke cut her off and explained who she was and why she was late Mr.Blake told Emily to not to be late again he is such a cunt she's new and nervous he could have been more understanding i looked around and saw that there was no other seats only the one next to me oh great Emily is going to sit next to me and she doesn't look happy about it shit shit she hates me i should have been rude to her this morning i should have said hi or something fuck !. Mr Blake told us that we had a assignment to do for the next 2 weeks and that we would be working in partners i didn't like anyone in my class Jenny was there but i dont like her so i looked away when she was looking at me then Mr.Blake said that we will be working with who was sitting next to us thats just perfect working with my partner that hates me for 2 weeks thats just fucking great.

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