Chapter 5~ Oh Shit Now He Is Mad

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Chapter 5~ Oh Shit Now He Is Mad

After maths school went fast I sat with Luke James and Skip at lunch but no Jai infact i didn't see him for the rest of the day . School finally ended and Lukes older brother Beau collected us from school as he was done work early me and the boys exchanged numbers at lunch so we could text i really liked all of the boys i could say that they are my best friends. I went into my bedroom and started to get changed out of my uniform i put on Ed Sheeran he was my favourite singer i saw him before i left home he was amazing. I heard my phone go off and went over to get it and it was from Luke or as it says on my phone Lukeyy boo he must like his nickname as he put his number in himself.

Luke: Hey emily me and the boys are having a movie night if you want to join us oh and btw u may want to close your curtains when u get dressed nice tattoo btw xx

OMFG i walked over to my window and looked out to see Luke waving with a big smile on his face shit shit Luke seen me in my underwear im so embarrassed . I text back and say

Emily: Perv yeah ill be over around 9ish that okay xx

Soon enough he replied with Luke: yeah see you then babe Wait did he call me babe 1st it was adorable now its babe does Luke like me ??? Do i like Luke Brooks ????

It was now 9pm i got dressed in a tracksuit pants and a over sized jumper then i remmber that its Sam's i forgot to give it back to him before i left but i like it so think ill keep it. I told mum that i'd be back in a hour as im going over to the Brooks for ahile she said fine and be back before 11pm I grabbed my phone and keys just incase mum locked the door. Walking up to the door i could see the boys all on the couch just looking at the telly i then had a idea why dont i scare the boys just for the crack so i walked out to the back having to climb up wall but it wasn't that big as i was tall . Thank god the back door was unlocked i slowly opened the door trying not to make any noise I walked into the sitting room still the boys are look at the telly so i run and jump on one of the boys giving them all frights Skip screamed like a girl and wouldn't stop screaming Beau and Luke threw the popcorn up in the air and landed all over then James was just there laughing but shit who did i jump on i look to my left and see oh shit Jai fuck i see in his eyes that he is was mad and i mean really mad fuck im dead.

Luke POV: Skip and James came over to ours for a movie night i didn't mention that emily was coming over so hope the boys don't mind shes a great girl. I put on Paranormal Activity as it was new and we haven't seen it yet. It was just getting to a scary part when I heard Skip scream i had popcorn and threw it up in the air which it all landed back on me and Beau i looked over and saw James laughing then i looked over to Jai and saw Emily on his lap shit she scared me. I look at her and she looks scared oh shit i look at Jai and he looks pissed i get up and grab emily off Jai and tell her to sit down next to me we chatted away and went back to watch the movie. After a hour everyone was asleep even emily Jai fucked up stairs in a mood i still dont know what's wrong with him i lifted emily up bridel style and brought her upstairs to mine and Jai's room he was already in bed asleep i think. I put emily up on the bed and made sure we wouldn't fall off i quickly got changed into short and tank top. I didn't want Emily's mum to worry so i texted her off Emily's phone and told her that she feel asleep here and if it was okay if she stayed over her mum replied back with ya that fine. I climbed up on the the bed and went next to emily she moved closer to me and her head was on my chest my eyes started to get heavy next i was asleep with emily on my chest i like this and i think i like emily.

Well everyone this is chapter 5 hope ye like it please like and comment ur feedback sorry about the spelling.

Follow me on twitter:@tyrrell_ktann

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I Don't Even Exist (Jai Brooks Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz