Chapter 13 ~ 1st night out in Ireland

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Chapter 13 ~ 1st night out in Ireland

Emily POV ~ We only have a few more days in Ireland so tonight we are all going out to a club called Savoy i used to go there nearly every week when I was in Ireland I just hope everyone enjoys tonight. '' Boys come on we need to go now its 11 o clock'' I shout upstairs to the boys who are still not ready ''coming'' they all shout god you think they would be ready before us girls tonight tanyas boyfriend is coming out with us he gets on great with the boys. Jai Luke Beau James and Skip come down stairs and i must say they are look hot all the girls in the club are going to be in love they just better stay away from Jai he is mine. ''The taxi's are here everyone come one lets go'' Kate shouts I ordered 2 taxis as we all wont fit into one.'' are ye all going to the same place'' the taxi driver says looking at me ''ya we are going to savoy in town'' i smile ''right ok lets go then'' the taxi driver speaks into the radio and tells the other taxi man to follow him its about 10 minute drive into town the boys are in one taxi and me mark and the girls are in the other one. We get out of the cab and pay i made sure Jai had money to pay for his cab. We walk up to the boucers and we show our ID's and walk up the stairs. The music is amazing drinks are flowing everyone is having a great time some how we manage to get upstairs into the VIP area and find seats where we can all sit together. Beau has found some girl James is talking to the maneger about something he looks happy as the shake hands ''James why are you so happy'' i say to james as we sits down next to me '' I was talking to Jack the maneger and gave him a CD i made with some of my mixes he is going to have a listen and told me that when im here the next time i can do a bit mixes in the main room'' James says with a big smile on his face ''thats great james so happy for you'' i give him a hug and pour us a shot of sambuca. After 2 hours of dancing and drinks we are all kind of pissed Jai has been gone for the last half hour i'm getting worried now so me kate and tanya head down to the main dance floor to have a look for him I walk down the stairs and I see Jai dancing with a girl she is all over him and he is all over her I cant belive what im seening i walk over and tap Jai on the shoulder he turns and smiles and turns back to the girl is he really doing this to me i cant beilve it i walk back to tanya and kate with tears rolling down my face '' come on girls lets find the rest and wait outside its nearly over anyway'' tanya and kate nod and we find everyone else and walk to get our jackets '' emily where is Jai'' i turn to see luke and james looking confused '' oh that cunt is downstairs all over a girl'' the tears start again i walk up to luke and he give me a hug a few seconds later all the boys are giving me a hug to. We get our things and wait outside for Jai after waiting for a good 20 minutes we see him with that girl this time holding hands they walk outside and Jai walks over to a bench the girl leans down and starts to kiss Jai and he kisses back that is it i cant take it anymore i walk over and push the girl off jai '' hey jai remmber me your girlfriend or should i say ex fucking girlfriend here is your money and passport go find somewhere else to sleep your not welcome back home'' with that i see the girl i pushed slap jai and walk over to her friends jai looks at me with sadness in his eyes i walk over to everyone else call a cab for all of us jai walks up to the door and says '' I'm sorry emily where'' before he can finish i say to him '' enough jai we are done find a hotel to stay in you should have enough money for a night or two'' i close the door and tell the taxi driver to go. What just happened me and jai are over this just turned out to be the worst night ever all i want is my bed.

So hope you like this chapter its 4:40am i cant keep my eyes open any longer while writing this i'm listing to Best Friends so ya hope ye liked this chapter what do you think might happen next will emily forgive jai? how will jai feel in the morning? is this the end for them? found out in the next chapter 

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