Chapter 9 ~ Back to school

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Chapter 9 ~ Back to school

Emily POV ~ Today was my 1st day back at school since i got beat up I was very nervous walking into school people stared at me when I walked in I dont think I can do this then i felt someone's hands wrap around my arm i looked up to see Luke since the whole thing that happened between us made our friendship a lot more stronger we are still very close and still act the way we used to but not as much we don't cuddle anymore well because i've Jai for that but nobody knows about us yet it's to soon after the whole Luke thing so now I have to keep my boyfriend yes Jai Brooks is my boyfriend a secret until things settle down. ''hey babe you ok'' Luke said yes Luke calls me babe but it's just the way we are he calls me babe i call him hun or lover '' yeah hun im good so far just nervous'' Luke stands in front of me and says '' no need to be nervous ill be with you all day i made sure to be moved to all your classes and so did Jai call us your bodyguards i laughed thinking about the twins being my bodyguards Luke has been protective since day one but now since me and Jai are together i know he will be extra protective as he said I'm his and i like it i just want to scream and say that I'm Jai Brooks girlfriend but ill just have to hold it in for now. I walked into science as it was the day me and Jai had to present our assignment to the teacher and the whole class Jai was there already and had all the equipment out on the table me and Luke walked in laughing and messing around i look at Jai and he doesn't look happy Luke sits down in his seat that is on the other side of the room I walk over to Jai and give him a smile ''hey babe you ready'' placing my hand on his arm which makes Jai lean over and whispers in my ear '' I'm always ready for you babe'' Jai buts his hand ass and tries to pull me closer but I move his hand away and say ''not now babe that can wait for later'' we still haven't told anyone about us yet and I didn't want to get caught. ( sorry didn't know what to say about the experiment so im gunna skip it ). After we done the experiment we put the stuff away and sat down at our desk. I looked over at Luke and he was chatting away to a girl i think her name was Daisy they looked like they are getting on great i text Luke

Emily: Get in lukeyy poo she's pretty ily xxx. Luke looks at his phone and smiles

Luke: She is H.O.T will i ask her out for dinner or is it to early ily2 xxx. I text back saying Go fo it xxxx

Luke looks over at me and has a big smile on his face. Jai puts his hand on my leg i look down and slip my hand into his for the rest of the lesson Jai and my hand never break. Next we had PE I wasn't looking forward to this class over what happened but Jenny and her gang are still suspended so I can start to relax. Me Jai Luke and Daisy walk to the hall Luke and Daisy haven't stopped talking since science I can see that Luke likes her and she likes him they look cute together. Me and Daisy walk into the changing room I stopped at the door and looked at daisy she heard what happened and took my hand and said '' come on lets go in together'' I can tell that me and daisy are going to be great friends. We walked in and 2 girls came up to me and daisy they were called kate and tanya they were also from ireland so i was happy not being the only irish person here they moved here around the same time as me im surprised that we haven't met before ''hiya i'm kate and this is tanya we heard that your irish too'' kate said '' yeah heya im emily nice to meet ye where abouts are ye from in ireland im from Cork'' i looked at them and they both said in sync '' same''. We all started to talk with each other and are bonding well i told them about jenny and her gang and what they did to me '' fuck they sound like bitches are you ok though'' kate said '' not 100% yet but im getting there'' i said smiling at them. We had to get into teams of 4 as it was we are doing circuit training ( sorry its a irish thing were we do different exercise in groups) i loved doing this it reminded me of home I had to take it easy as i still was in a bit of pain. Me,daisy,kate and tanya got into a group we started off by doing the plank for 5 minutes ( look it up if ye dont know what it is) we lined up and done it daisy fell twice as she never done the blank before next round was sit ups then ladders, push ups, laps, benches and last but not least skipping my favourite part after around 30 minutes the boys came into the hall as it started to rain outside i looked at jai luke skip james they saw me and waved over. Luke's mouth was open as he saw daisy doing the push ups she as really good at them once she saw luke looking over she started to do more and you could see that luke was very impressed. I was just about to start the ladders but my ribs started to hurt i ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom to get some water she said yes and i made my way to the changing rooms when I heard someone run behind me I look to see it was jai he had a smile on his face '' hey babe are you ok you look like your in pain'' jai took my hand and led me over to the benches '' yeah jai im fine just a bit sore i just need to take my pain killers ill be fine in a sec'' i kiss him on the cheek as i walk over to my bag to get water and the pain killers i took 2 just to ease the pain i felt jai put his hands on him hips i turn around and look into his eye his beautiful brown eyes they are just wow jai starts to kiss my forehead and then my nose '' butterfly kiss your such a tease Mr. Brooks'' i say with a smile on my face we made up that name as i thought it was cute i lean in and kiss him on the lips we move in sync we kiss for around 2 minutes i remmber that i had to get back to class but jai didn't want to go '' cant we just stay here i just want to kiss those lovely lips'' with that i lean in but dont kiss him i move back and say '' i need to finish my training sorry'' i walk off and hear jai huff loudly i love teasing him. I got back to the hall and went back to do the ladders and i see jai walk in he looks at me and pouts god he was so hot when he pouted but he will have to wait until later then we can finish off what we started if you know what i mean

Jai POV ~

I walk back into the hall and see emily on the ladders she looks over and i pout she just smiles god i love my girlfriend. ''Dude where did you go'' luke said '' went to see if emily was okay she looked like she was in pain dont worry she took some pain killers she is fine'' i smile just a bit. '' who is that girl with emily' skip says looking over at a girl with brown long hair that was a bit shorter than him '' I think her name is kate she just moved here from ireland with her friend tanya'' james says ''she's pretty'' skip smiles i think he has a bit of a crush. We walked over to the store room to get out a basketball. We played for 20 minutes and one other boy joined as there was 5 of us and that wouldn't work out. PE was nearly done when skip tried to score a basket but it bounced off the top and went down the hall by the girls kate caught the ball and walked up to skip '' Aren't you suppose to get in the basket'' kate laughed before walking back to emily and the rest of the class skip was speechless he just walked back to us and said nothing '' Oi skip what's up with you'' luke said '' hello' skip says he looked so confused '' skip weren't you suppose to say that to kate'' I look down at emily and she is laughing with the girls god i love her laugh its good to hear her laugh she hasn't laughed much since getting beaten up by jenny and the sluts they are back next week i just hope emily will be ok.

Kate POV ~

I saw a basketball bouncing towards me so i caught it i looked over to the group of boys and walked up to one of them he has brown hair and brown eyes he was really cute '' aren't you suppose to get it in the basket'' i say to him he just stands there and doesn't say anything i laugh and walk back to the girls i look back and the boys are looking at him strange.'' What happened there kate'' emily says with a smile on her face '' he just stood there he didn't say anything i told him that aren't you suppose to get it in the basket and walked off'' i said '' ohhh i think skip likes you kate'' daisy says '' whose skip'' i say with a confused look on my face '' the boy you gave the ball to his name is daniel but people call him skip he is one of my best friends ill introduce ye tonight i want to have a girly night tonight lets swap numbers and ill text you my address'' emily said i looked over to skip and he still had the ball in his hands the boys are still laughing.

So that's chapter 9 hope ye like it new characters are Daisy,Kate and Tanya will kate and skip get on will there be a relationships formed with the boys and girls well read more to find out



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