Part 15

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Johnny's POV

So the wedding is a little less than 2 months away now and there is still so much to plan. I mean i know my best man is pony because y'know we're close like that. I don't know who yns maid of honor will be though. I think she might just choose Evie Steve's girlfriend. She doesn't know her very well but she's kinda the only other nice girl around here. But anyways I'm just thinking this while in my bed trying to fall asleep. Yn has her arm around me but I just have so much on my mind I just can not sleep. Finally I fell asleep leaving all of my worries behind for the night. 

The next morning


I was shaking Johnny to wake him up because he was still asleep and I had work today so I wanted to say goodbye before I left for the DX. He finally looked at me and said:

"It's 8am why'd you wake me up babe?" 

I looked at him and chuckled. "Yes its 8am but I have work and I didn't want to just leave and not say bye to you. "

"Aww thanks baby that's so sweet. I'll see you later?"

"Yes of course I get off at 3."

"Okay have a great day baby."

"Thanks." I said. 

I kissed him goodbye then walked out the door so I wasn't late for the DX. Thank gosh soda was leaving at the same time as me so I just got a ride from him.  

After work at the DX.

Johnny and I started to look at things for the wedding. We picked out our theme which would be emerald green. We then picked out the flowers which I chose blue daises. 

After that we decided to go to Chili's and get food. We ate out food and talked about how excited we are for the wedding. 

Author's note

Thank you guys so much for 500+ reads! You do not know how much this means to me for being a fairly new writer. I'm sorry for not updating for awhile I've just been busy with school. Leave a star and a comment to show me you like the story so far and if u have any ideas or questions. 

Stay gold my lovely readers💛💛💛

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