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Birth Name: Chu So Jung

Birthday: November 6, 1995

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

About Exy :

Exy is the resident bad ass aunty. Tired Aunty Exy is always taking care of the kids, mostly through keeping them in line. Her girl crush image is by far the strongest among the group members and she definitely has the "tough leader" look. Soobin has said that Exy can be strict during practices, can take charge when she needs to, and can be a hard-ass, but Exy is still sensitive and has her emotional moments. Exy herself has said that she cries a lot and enjoys romantic comedies. She likes to find things that she can do alone, movie watching being one of them. Her favorite movies are 'The Notebook' and 'Burlesque' (YES BTCH). I'm pretty sure almost all the members agreed that she was intimidating when they first met her. Anyway, Exy also has a lovely, goofy side. For some reason she enjoys dancing with some kind of circular orange object covering her cheeks (oranges & carrots). She loves and respects the skin she's in, even finding her tan to be one of her charming points. Her favorite animals are puppies and cats, and like Seola, she wants to travel the world. Exy is another one of the members that worked her ass off for more than the typical training period. She dedicated 8 years to training and came close to debuting (she was in a group with 9Muses Kyungri, Dalshabet's Woohee, Hello Venus's Lime, Yumi, and Seola), but it was cut short. An important thing I want to mention is that Exy finds it hard to open up to others. After watching so many fellow trainees and friends cycle in and out of her trainee life, she's gotten tired of going through the emotion of letting go. She's scared that new people will end up leaving in the end like others have. Let's take care of Aunty Exy from now on.

Her rap skills are better than you. No need to be proud.

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