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Birth Name: Yu Yeonjung

Birthday: August 3, 1999

Zodiac Sign: Leo (Real sign), but in WJSN she represents Ophiuchus

About Yeonjung : 

Finally Yeonjung. She got a lot of shit from her time on PD101 for being "attention seeking" and a "brat." I'm gonna start this with me defending her. Yeonjung was in a competition for a spot in a girl group. It only makes sense that she'd try hard to get some spotlight. She doesn't want anyone to forget about her. Trends come and go, and she couldn't afford to "go." Anyway, Yeonjung is an actual ray of sunshine. She always has so much energy and is making the other girls laugh all the time. WJSN loves her and even wanted her to stay under Starship with them. She had been planning on leaving, but the Wuju girls wanted her to stay and a spot in the group was opened up for her. The girls from IOI have also talked about how much they love Yeonjung. Others have said she hardly ever gets angry and is always patient. Staff have said that Yeonjung is very appropriate according to her settings. She's loud and fun, but also quiet when she needs to be. Yeonjung likes spicy food, chocolate, and movies. Also, she's said that her specialty is speaking quickly (which I actually have noticed??) and giving advise. Yeonjung is a precious baby and deserves all the love in the world.

She can sing high notes than you.

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