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Birth Name: Park Soo Bin

Official Birthday: September 14, 1996

Official Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Real Birthday: July 14, 1996

Real Zodiac Sign: Cancer

About Soobin : 

Small baby Soobin is precious and needs to be protected from the sinful world. She's exactly like you thought she was when you first saw her: a sugary, fluffy, and innocent marshmallow. Soobin is incredibly sweet and likes the simple things in life (chocolate and coloring books). The only thing about her that would probably catch you off guard is her volume. Yes, volume. Pterodactyl Soobin lives beneath that cute exterior and comes out whenever she laughs and or screams, both of which happen often. Baby Soobin is also pretty bad under pressure and isn't able to handle questioning by the other members about something she's trying to hide. She's a pretty clumsy person. She's fallen into Yeonjung, smacking the poor girl in the nose, and has even gotten changed behind a door before she asked if a camera could see her. Her favorite colors are pink and sky blue, she likes acoustic music and hiking, and she hates eggplant. Soobin please pull yourself together. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, Soobin is another of the members that worked her butt of in order to debut. She has about 6 or 8 years under her belt.

You need to have a good butt to be friends with soobin.

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