
631 16 14

Birth Name: Nam Da Won

Official Birthday: April 16, 1997

Official Zodiac Sign: Aries

Real Birthday: May 27, 1997

Real Zodiac Sign: Gemini

About Dawon :

Dawon is the chillest of chill and the underappreciated of underappreciated. She seems like a pretty relaxed person and just goes with the flow of things. She sleeps the most of the group and is even called Snorlax. She's such a sweetheart and comes off as so kind. Dawon is considerate of all the other girls and even moves things out of the way just so all the girls can be seen on frame. She likes perfume, the piano, spicy food, working out, reading, and hearing that she lost weight. Ok, but time to get very serious for a minute. It's clear that music means everything to her. Dawon has done nothing but work and work and work. She loves singing more than anything. While on 'Girl Spirit', she sang '' and her performance brought all the girls to tears, including herself. There, we learned that Dawon's father had never once complimented her singing. He said he felt horrible for not being more supportive, but just let that sink in for a minute. Dawon hardly gets the recognition she deserves for her singing, from her father, the company, and the fandom. By now, she's got to be more sensitive to the feeling of not being acknowledged. Dawon was so emotional seeing her father and hearing kind words from him. Don't you think it's time to GIVE HER MORE SUPPORT? THE SUPPORT SHE DESERVES?

She has a hot body & it's one of the rarest in the world.

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