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Birth Name: Lee Lu Da

Official Birthday: March 6, 1997

Official Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Real Birthday: February 6, 1997

Real Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

About Luda :

Luda is a spawn of Satan. Ok, that's not true, but she is a little rascal. Luda is very, very quiet and has her shy moments, but on the inside she's a little savage. She makes hilarious sarcastic remarks and has no shame in speaking her more aggressive thoughts. Moving on, Luda has a strong work ethic. The group has stated that she has a more frail body and even needs to eat a lot just to not lose weight. I read that practicing was more strenuous on her than the others because of this, but she worked hard to keep up with the group. Plus she's a girl scout! Even though she can be tough with her sense of humor and mischievousness, Luda seems to love the cutest things. She likes handwritten letters and just likes hearing people say "thank you" to her. On her birthday, she enjoys giving back to others, such as family and friends, by making them something to eat. She has admitted to feeling scared of becoming an adult because of responsibilities and is even scared to be forgotten by others (like with friendships, not just fans). On a more positive note, she likes both extremely spicy and sweet foods, movies, books, and gaming. Also scented candles and her wrist watch. She also said she wants to walk her dog over the holidays, but her dog is scared of the outside world. All in all, Luda is absolutely precious.

luda so smol, she run faster than anyone ;p

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