Cheng Xiao

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Birth Name: Cheng Xiao

Korean Name: Jung Seong So

Birthday: July 15, 1998

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

About Seong so (cheng) : 

According to the internet, Cheng Xiao is extremely sweet and an absolute angel. This is one of the few times you can believe the internet full heartedly. She recently blew up the world wide web with her amazing skills in gymnastics and has only continued to impressive everyone with her down to earth personality. She's been nothing but cute, kind, and loving toward others, especially her group members. I'm pretty sure every member loves Xiao and she's probably cuddled all the time. I know all the girls work hard, but Xiao has shown us that she's willing to go to the extreme. While practicing for her ISAC gymnastics performance, she also had other schedules to attend for the 'Secret' promotions. The girl stayed up for hours practicing, even needing IV in order to get through the long days of work. If that's not dedication, then nothing is. Cheng Xiao has offered candy to young kids while they were working at a traditional Korean temple tour site (?), even doing it in English for the foreigners. She likes movies, dramas, hiking, swimming, and badminton. She hates insects, pickled radish, and sashimi (too bad most of her girlfriends love it). One look at her and you know she needs to be protected.

Cheng can destroy every girl group with her gymnastic skills. Don't doubt it.

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