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Birth Name: Son Ju Yeon

Birthday: May 27, 1998

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

About Eunseo :

The perfect way to come back to positivity is to talk about Eunseo. She is an actual walking meme and is always giving the fandom the gay moments (the others do as well, but this girl goes above and beyond). Her personality is loud (literally) and bright. She's very energetic and enjoys playing around with nearly everyone. In fact, I think it's fair to say that Eunseo is one of the members that gets along very well with all the girls. Even though she's one of the youngest, she's always there for the others. She's cock blocked male fans, she's comforted Seola when she was confronted by her fear of water, she's cooked for the other members (even though they picked takeout over her), and she's waken all the girls up in the morning like a good parent (probably still does to this day). Even though she likes joking around with everyone and seems slightly invincible, Eunseo really hates being mocked and scary things. Of course while in a dark/abandoned school she continuously said "I'll protect you all," but she was probably the most scared and actually said that with a blankly, terrified face. Lastly, according to Seola, Eunseo is a member that the girls can tell anything to. She's a good listener and will never tell anything about the conversation to anyone else.

Trust me, Eunseo is the queen of gays but is a good girl.

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