oOf aN oC sHiTPoSt-

19 3 4

Julie: shrek, we better not fucking get caught

Marcy: calm the fuck down,we got this

Belle: this is disgusting-

Jack: how's this for disgusting *bends down and pretends to kiss dead body*

Marcy: bro stop screwing around you nasty-

Belle: I'm telling you guys, we shouldn't have dug a hole for it, we should have thrown it in the river and it would've deteriorated a-

Marcy: shut up we're burying this damn thing

Belle: why did we kill this guy again-

Julie: we're gonna get caught and I'm going to jail but I haven't even lived my life WHY???

Belle: thanks for popping my eardrum mate

Marcy: Ha the dead man's face looks funny-

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