- The Red Ribbon -

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Blurb of book:

The four of us

Rose, Ella, Carla and Marta

Maybe in another world we would be friends

But this was Birchwood...

This book has to be one of my favorite books ever and Rose and Ella have to be my favorites in the book. One of the reasons I like this is because:

Rose and Ella's friendship and Chemistry

I love the two of them and they change each other in small ways. Rose effects Ella the most since, at the start of the book, Ella was more about work and that you have to look out for yourself but then, as she spends more time with Rose, she becomes nicer and when Rose is taken and Ella thinks she's been killed, Ella always thinks about her and when they meet again and they dance together, it's a really sweet moment.

I honestly think that in the future they would've gotten together since they both sorta improve each other with Ella teaching Rose how to be more firm and Rose teaching Ella to be kinder. They have great chemistry together.

However, at the start, I was really unsure about how they would be friends since Ella didn't really like Rose but Ella really did warm up to her and they did kiss at a few points in the book and it's really sweet when they do.

Chemistry and friendship: 9/10

Want them to get together: 95500889/10

Portrayal of dreams and hope

Ella's main dream in the book is to own a dress shop (which she eventually gets with the help of Rose and her mum) and a red ribbon that Rose stole was hope. She gave it to Ella saying that she needed hope and that when she feels like giving up, to always remember the ribbon.

It's a great way to show dreams and show that you need to have hope to get your dreams.

I would write more but I'm watching something so here-


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