hey Americans and Canadians-

19 2 14

Hey what is homecoming? Wikipedia said it's where they welcome back former students and members and celebrating an organization's existence

What do they mean by "Celebrating an organization's existence"????

In the UK we have prom which Americans have already-

It usually takes place in June or July at the end of Exams for year 11 and year 13. Some primary schools have prom for year 6 when they've finished their SATs. At my Primary school they did but I couldn't be arsed to go.

Secondary School, obviously, has much bigger party's than Primary school.

According to the website I'm getting this information from, a recent newspaper report says that the average Prom costs are £200 per teenager and some even spend much more. I wish it would say what was the most spent was but whatever-

This would include the ticket for the prom party which would often include a fuckin three course dinner and dancing-

And new clothes, shoes, hairdresser and apparently a spray tan according to this page-

And maybe even a car hire, who knows-

Some people, who don't have a shitload of money just lying there, get part time jobs to pay for the costs

And there is "Adult Prom" where it's prom but there's booze

You could actually have this at the second Prom since the legal drinking age in the UK is 18 and you finish Collage/sixth form at 18 so like, they can sell alcohol if they want-

Anyways, that's all I have to say and I hope I get an answer to what the fuck homecoming is because I'm still kinda confused Wikipedia was vague as fuck-

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