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A single kiss of midnight. A brush as the day ends. The sky kisses the earth and bathes her is golden light. Everything changes. Nothing is the same. I wish to see it, to feel it again but it was just a moment trapped in time, a moment never meant to be. Never to be felt or seen again.


Anne sat on her bed crying. Josh had kissed her then ignored her for the rest of the week. Anne wished that he would kiss her again. He was perfect in every way. "I love him." Anne said, surprised at the  words that had escaped her lips. 

"And if he kissed me, then  he must like me back! I need to talk to him. And now I'm talking to myself." Anne ran all the way to Joshes house and knocked on the front door.  Carter answered it. 

"Hey Anne." Carter said smoothly "why are you here?" 

"Where's Josh?" Anne asked, ignoring Carters question. "He's in his bedroom. Why?" 

"I need to speak with him." 

"I don't think that's a good idea." Carter said but Anne had already squirmed past him and was running down the hall. Anne through open the door and grabbed Joshes face, she pressed her lips to his and backed away.

 "I'm sorry for bursting in but I really like you Josh and I hate when you ignore me." 

"Anne." Josh said softly 

"Yes Josh?" Anne answered meekly.

 "I made a deal with my brother. I can't."

 "You can't what Josh?"

 "I can't be with you."

 "Why not?!" Anne said her voice filled with pain and sadness.

 "Because your mine now." said Carter from the door way.

"No.  I'm not an item to be traded away." Anne said as she backed away from Carter as he started to move toward her. Josh looked at his feet, not wanting to meet Anne's grief-stricken eyes. Anne bumped into the wall. 

"This situation seems familiar." Carter said smugly. Anne shook  her head. "But this time  you wont be running away." Carter put his hands in her hair and lowered his head to hers. His mouth covered hers. Anne pushed on his chest, trying to escape but Carter  didn't move. He finally removed his mouth and Anne gasped for air. She punched him in the gut and he doubled over. Anne shot a hurt look at Josh and ran out the door. 

"Anne!" Josh called but she was already out the door.


Betrayal. I never knew you could feel it like this. I knew it before but not like this. I gave them my heart and he threw it in my face. Betrayal, I know it well but never like this.  He saw me as an item to sell, not a person with emotions.  I'm done with him forever. 


"Tell me everything." Amy said to her mother. Elizabeth took a deep breath and began.

 "I never meant it to end up this way...... One day he walked into my bakery I saw him and it was love. At least I thought it was. I gave him two dozen cupcakes for an office party. He kept coming back at first he came and got a bagel for breakfast one day and  a few days later he would come in for a snack muffin. But his visits became more frequent and I realized just haw gorgeous he was. Tall, strong, and handsome. One day he came up to me and asked me to dinner. It was the best night of my life. To bad I didn't see the ring on his finger. Our relationship became more serious and I was starting to wonder if he was going to ask me to marry him.  One night he came over and told me that he was married and his wife was three months pregnant. We didn't talk for awhile. It was the worst time of my life until he called me one day. He asked if it was okay if we got back together. I was so happy. Then it all came crashing down. I found out that I was pregnant. I thought he would be happy. I was wrong.  He was angry, no he was terrified. A few months after I gave birth to you he came over. He wanted to meet you and be a real family. I foolishly let him stay.

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