Confronting Carter

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 As always I hope you enjoy! Please excuse all spelling mistakes. Sorry for not updating for awhile. I'm in a musical and all my time has been spent practicing. Thanks for understanding!   By the way  one of my friends showed me how to use the bold print!                                                                                                                               -Addy


After a year of apologizing, Josh  had finally reconciled with Anne and they started to date. But now Anne had to confront Carter and Josh hoped everything would go smoothly.

Anne and Josh walked slowly down the street. "Are you sure about this?" Anne asked. Josh nodded his head and grabbed her hands she turned to face him. "Whatever happens, I want you to know I love you." Josh said. Anne looked at him "I love you to." Anne choked back a sob. 

The door opened slowly. "Carter!" Josh called Footsteps came from somewhere down the hall. "What do you want Josh?" Carter said as he came into view. 

"Anne!" Carter said as a smile spread across his face.

 "Can I talk to you," Anne said "alone?" Carter nodded his head and lead her into his bed room at the end of the hall. Before Anne walked through the door way she looked at Josh and mouthed "I love you." Then the door closed behind her. 

The door shut with a thud and Anne turned around. Carter was standing right in front of her. He slid his hands into her hair and leaned down to kiss her. 

"Carter don't." Anne said in a small voice 

 "But I want to." he replied.  Anne tried to pull away but Carter held her tight. His face came closer to hers and she was tempted to scream but knew if Josh found out that she let Carter kiss her, he would never speak to her again. Anne shut her eyes and let herself go limp. She would just let him kiss her then get her revenge later.

Carter pulled away from Anne. She was breathless in a bad way. He had refused to stop kissing her until she was almost dead from suffocation. 

"Carter we need to talk, Your a horrible person and I get that your parents are never around, all the girls love you and you think  you can do anything you want but it's not true. Carter I don't like you and don't want to be with you! Leave me be!" Carter clenched his fists and his jaw tightened. 

"Anne," He said in a low warning voice "you don't want to leave me. I'm the best thing that will ever happen to you. Me and Josh made a deal. I get you and he doesn't get hurt." Anne felt tears starting to from in her eyes 

"That was a year ago! And I never made that deal!  I don't have to love you I'm not yours! What if Josh isn't the one I like? What if it's some other boy? You didn't make a deal  with every boy in the world did you?"

 "If you were in love with someone else I would change that real quickly. They would be to busy in the hospital to worry about protecting you." Anne felt the warm tears spill over onto her cheeks. "Oh Anne," Carter said in a sad voice, if she didn't know better she would even say a caring voice but she knew he wasn't really like that. Carter took a step in her direction and Anne darted out of the way. "Your crying Anne. I want to help you." Carter looked like he wanted to help her but Anne still remained on the opposite side of the room. 

"Carter let me go. There are plenty of other girls out there who would love you much more then I do."

 "So your saying You do have feelings for me?" Carter said with a grin

"No! Just leave me be! I'll make you a deal," Anne said taking a deep breath "I'll go on one date with you, we can do whatever we want, I'll be willing and happy. But after that you forget about me and Josh, go live your life and we'll live ours. Is it a deal?" 

 "You say whatever we want?" Carter asked 

"Yes, then you don't ever talk to me or Josh again. 

"It's a deal." They shook hands and Anne left the room.

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