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Hey guys! I'm thinking about writing a sequel but I'm not sure please comment what I should do. Just so you know I'm almost done with this book. I know it's really short but it's my baby so.... Anyway if you are enjoying it so far please vote and if you hate it, well then sorry. But really if you hate it or just want to give me some tips on my writing and how I can improve that would be most welcome.  As always please forgive any spelling or grammar mistakes! Oh, also in the following chapter there are things that you should not attempt if you are ever put in a situation like this. Be safe and enjoy!



Some friends are like rivers, they are always in a rush but never seem to get anywhere. Others are like boulders, they never move even when you want them to. My friends are like trees. They sway in the wind but stay strong and kind. A boy in my life is like rose bush. Everyone sees him as beautiful but I see the thorns. They  hurt me but everyone except the trees see the flowers and not the thorns.

 Carter walked up to the door and unlocked it. He looked around nervelessly, like he was afraid someone would see him. He walked inside and told Anne to come she got out of the car and  started running down the street. She didn't make it very far before Carter caught her partly because she was gagged and partly because her wrists were tied. He half dragged her back to his house and threw her on him bed. He got some rope out of the kitchen and tied her legs to the end of the bed.  

"Now will you finally sit still!" Anne struggled against the ropes but couldn't get out. She eventually stopped and tried to gesture to her mouth. 

"OH, you want me to remove the gag. OK but just for a little while." Carter untied the gag from the back of her head Anne started screaming for help.

Shit! Anne stop yelling or I'll make the ropes tighter!" That got Anne to stop screaming but she still gave him a disgusted stare. 

"Now Anne baby. I only need you for a little while longer so you need to stop giving me a death stare."  Anne didn't stop. Carter sighed and went left the room. As soon as Carter closed the door Anne relaxed. She had watched tons of Horror movies before and knew what to do when you were kidnapped. When she relaxed the ropes loosened and she was able to move her wrists ever so slightly. She moved her arms under her and sat up with her knees spread so that she could see the knot. She picked at the rope. It wasn't hard to undo since the rope was thin and Carter was clearly not a boy scout. When she was free she re-positioned her hands under her back so it looked like the rope was still tied. 


5 minutes after Anne went to the door

 "Wheres Anne?" Josh asked in a panicked voice.

"Relax she's probably just outside yelling at the delivery person for getting our order wrong." Amy said.

"Oh maybe she's making out with the delivery boy! That would be funny!" Elizabeth said in a fit of giggles. 

"But she's my girlfriend!" Josh said

"You know mom's only kidding." Amy said "But really we should go see if Anne's outside." Josh ran to the front door and threw it open. He stepped outside and looked around, his eyes filled with fear. 

"Guys! Anne's not here! Did she tell any of you that she was going home or something?"

"We were all in the room when she went to the door. And she wouldn't just leave without telling us something." Amy said in a soothing voice "She probably just went for a walk."

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