Forgive me

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for posting a super short chapter last time. Hope this one makes up for it! Just wanted to let you know that I'm experimenting with a new way of writing so if it looks strange, that's why. Feel free to comment and if you like it please vote! As always please excuse all spelling mistakes. Enjoy!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -Addy

"ANNE!" Amy called as she ran down the street. "Anne I need to talk to you!" Anne turned around suddenly and her long hair flew into her face.  "What do you want." 

"I want to talk to you. I really am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you feelings. I-" 

"I know it wasn't your fault that my dad cheated." Anne interrupted "but I can't forgive you, not now." Anne started to walk away but Amy grabbed her arm,

"Please forgive me Anne, please forgive me." 

"THERE'S NOTHING TO FORGIVE AMY! NOW LEAVE ME BE!" Anne shouted she pushed Amy away and walked briskly out of sight. 


     "I don't know what that was about. She just got so angry and pushed me away. Do you know why she acted like that?" Amy asked Josh. 

"I really don't know. She has been acting weird lately, ever since she went to confront  Carter... Amy do you think something happening between them?  It would probably be against her free will but I know she would do something really stupid if it meant protecting me. Why did she have to do something horrible and stupid like that!"

"JOSH! She wouldn't cheat on you."

"How do you know know that?"

"She isn't like her father or my mother. She would never betray you, she loves you. But if she is cheating I will personally see to it that she regrets it."

"Thanks Amy."

"No problem Josh, I would do anything for a friend. But I still don't get what she meant when she said that there was nothing to forgive."

"You did nothing, you just told her the truth, she's not mad at you she's grateful she just is in a mess right now and needs time and friends to get through  it."


 Anne's phone rang three times before it picked up, "Carter? I'm ready" 


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