Katsuki Bakugo {Selfish}

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"Lunchtime, alright!", the students chanted as they ran out of their classrooms to head to the cafeteria.

Ah, what a normal day at U.A. Students were acting normally. Some with their friends and squads, some alone. Speaking of squads:

"Hey, I've noticed-- Mina's the only girl in our squad.", Kirishima comments, eyeing everyone in their group.

It was indeed true that she was the only female in their group but, not until now, nobody ever pointed it out. Well, nobody cared anyway. Especially Bakugo. I mean, was there a reasonable explanation why girls shouldn't hang out with guys?

"Who cares ?", Bakugo barks.

"Woah, someone's a bit grumpy today. "

"Got a problem with that, Tape-Twerp ?!", he immediately replies, frustration echoing his angry voice.

"No... I mean, don't we at least need another girl in our group ?", Kirishima scratches his head, asking gently to avoid waking the grumpy troll that was about to rip Sero's face off with their bare hands.

"I didn't know you were concious of our gender differences, Kirishima. ", she comments.

"Now, before we become feminists here, let me clarify first. I just mean that ... Don't you feel lonely being the only girl in the group ?", he asks, clasping his hands like an impatient boss ready to diss someone at any moment.

"... Well, I guess. Sometimes ?", she answers, ruffling her hair.

"Don't you dare recommend adding anyone to your silly occult or whatever.", Bakugo states, already knowing their plans.

"Come on. Please~?", Kirishima pleads, giving him the puppies eyes.

Bakugo, however, didn't feel symapthetic whatsoever. Instead, the blond bursts into a ball of raging fire. Emphasizing the word 'raging'.

"Want me to blow you up and tear you to piece of shreds, Freaky Hair ?!"

"Ooh-I know-- Why don't we invite (Y/N) to lunch ?!", Mina asks, already feeling hopeful since she knew Bakugo didn't have enough strength to say 'no' when the topic was about her.

"No.", he replies almost immediately.

"It's settled then--- Wait, what ?", she stammers, confirming if it was actually the Bakugo said that.

"I said no, Raccoon Eyes. Now shut up.", he says, walking away to find a table.

"Aw, come on. Don't you like her? Take this opportunity while you still have it!", she declares. She knew about their past and couldn't help but feel bad about it.

"I said shut up--", he stops when a pair of eyes meet his. "Whatever.", he says, walking away.

"W-Wait for us, Bakugo! Hey!", Sero exclaims as the rest of the group follow behind him.

"Hey, (Y/N).", Todoroki calls out to her, immediately getting her attention.

"Y-Yes ?!", she stammers.

"Don't you want to fix things between you and him ?", he asks, not looking away from his chopsticks.

"Eh ?..", she blinks, thinking for an answer. "I... I've always wanted to. But I feel like he doesn't want me to go near him.", she says as she touches her bandaged arm.

"I-I like you, p-please g-go on a date with me!", a young girl confesses to her dear crush, whom is suprisingly and not surprisingly-- Bakugo Katsuki.

For the first time, Bakugo felt love. And he wanted more.

"Sure. Whatever.", he replies as he looks away.

Anime Characters X Shy Reader Oneshots + MLBB CharactersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon