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even though i came to school early enough to get to my second class of the day, i decided to skip it and went to the library. technically i was studying if i was in a library, that's how it worked right? i'll grab a few books just in case.

i didn't run into anyone on my way, although i didn't expect to. everyone was in class so there'd be no reason for anyone to be roaming the halls. well unless your name was ten and your dad was an alcoholic which caused you to be late to school. why was i complaining, it's not like i was dying.

i walked through the doors of the more than extravagant library. shelves upon shelves of books covered every wall all the way up to the ceilings. there were many separate rooms, maybe for studying or classes. everything was so over the top in this school.

"excuse me, aren't you supposed to be in class?"

i looked over to the voice, seeing a relatively young women sitting behind the front desk. her eyebrow was raised and she had lowered her glasses.

"i actually came in late, i wanted to stop by and grab a few books. i'm actually new here."

i ran my fingers through my hair, looking at the ground. i really didn't want to go to class right now, please don't make me go to class.

"i suppose you can check out a few books. let me know if you need help getting around the library."

i nodded, giving the women a smile. she chuckled and i walked towards the mountains of books ahead of me. it felt unreal, like a movie scene. i could only imagine how many hundreds of books were in just a few aisles. i walked all the way to the back of the library, to the last aisle of books. i was mesmerized by the sight. it was just so colorful, so bright, and it made me happy even though i didn't really like reading.

i took a seat against one of the shelves, looking up at the titles before me. i must've found my way to the love stories, as all the titles has something to do with romance.

"do you like romance novels too?"

i looked over to see johnny with a few books in his hands. i smiled up at him, and motioned for him to take a seat next to me. he did, and left no room between us.

"i didn't picture you for one to like love stories, it's quite cute."

"people seem to like what they'll never have."

i glanced at johnny, his focus was on the cover of one of his books. it was a male, he was sitting on a swing set. the swing next to him seemed to be swinging back and forth, but no one occupied it.

"what makes you think you'll never have love?"

i felt johnny's hand brush past my leg as he reached up to fix his hair. i shivered a bit, trying to keep my cool. but something was just different about him, he was so very hot and then boom he made me the softest boy alive.

"relationships never work for me."

maybe i could change your mind. the thought raced through my head, perched at the tip of my tongue. but instead of saying anything, i just placed my head on johnny's shoulder. maybe it was to comfort him or maybe because i just wanted to feel loved myself.

"stand up."


"just do it."

i stood up, hesitantly. in the process i noticed a book that caught my eye. i reached for the dark red cover, and heard a click come from behind me. i spun around to see johnny with his phone out and pointed right at me.

"you're a natural model. if only i had my camera, these could be really great pictures. well better than they already are."

i quickly knelt on the floor, reaching for johnny's phone. he extended his arm so i couldn't reach it. i was positioned on johnny's right side, and his phone was all the way on his left side. i was the one and only ten, of course i was going to be myself in this situation. i swung one of my legs onto the opposite side of johnny, so i was basically on top of him. this shocked him enough, and he quickly gave into handing me the phone. his face turned a mellow shade of red and i felt my face heating up too.

"is johnny seo nervous?"

i poked at his arms, giggling a bit. not ever returning to my original spot sitting next to him.

"i mean if you had a pretty angel on top of you, wouldn't you be a bit nervous?"

"oh shut up!"

"who's flustered now? my pretty little angel is."

"stop calling me that-"

"does it make you nervous?"


i watched as ten's flustered expression turned to a smirk. he leaned closer to me, right in my ear. i could feel each breath he took right on my neck.

"i'm sure i could make you more nervous than you've ever been before."

his voice was sweet, yet dominate. i really did like this guy. but i wasn't going to let him win, i was always up for a challenge. this time i placed my hand on the back of ten's neck, making sure he didn't try to move away from my words. i pulled him close to me, and he didn't protest.

"wait until i take you home."


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