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Ugh!!!!!!! I've been trying to write a chapter about how Phoenix meets my pack of wolves. I just can't seem to get it right. I've tried and tried. It just don't work out. So in conclusion I am skipping ahead to where she's found a pack and has been living with them for a while now.
Nixon pack:
Luna-female #1
Sage-female #2
Jivera-female #3
Haddox-male #1
Kelton-male #2

I looked over to my side and saw Vers, Sage, and Haddox, the others were on my left. We were currently teaching Jin and Maz how to hunt. We were crouched low and stalking the herd of elk.
I've come a long way since that day Bucky left me here. I found a pack who needed an actual Alpha. The two males in the group know nothing about being a leader. So here I am, alpha of the Nixon pack.
I looked for a newborn or weak elk. Ah, found one. A weanling. Still slightly shaky on its legs. My lips pulled back into a growl. Vers followed my gaze. She snarled, catching the others attention. They saw our next meal. Luna was the first to act. Running out of the brush and towards the small elk. The herd ran. I followed Luna's actions and then so did the pack. Jim and Maz were at the back of the pack. They're still learning. I pushed my legs to go faster. I soon caught up with Luna and helped her bite at the legs. I grabbed its thigh ok the front legs and jerked. It wavered. The others arrived and tore into the legs and abdomen. I went for the neck, the killing blow as humans call it. The elf soon fell to the ground, dead. Jin and Maz finally showed up and began eating. I waited my turn.
The wind caught my growing fur, blowing it around in all directions. I had developed a thick mane like fur around my neck. I probably looked like a real wolf, not some laboratory experiment. I decided to go ahead and eat my fill, before other predators came along.


It started snowing back at our den. We all went into our cave. I lied down, exhausted from today. Jin came over first, shivering. It got really cold in Canada.
"Ok, who else is cold." I asked them though my mind. They all turned their heads towards me, signaling a yes. I made sure that they were ok with my powers at the beginning. Now when it gets cold I use my heat manipulation to warm them up. I sighed and gestures with my head that they could sleep with me tonight. They happily trotted over and plopped down. Maz cuddled up eighth next to me. Jin cuddled up to Maz. It was a tight but loose circle. I let my power do its thing, but still keep it a little bit cool. I sighed and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

3rd POV(avengers H.Q.)
The avengers were huddled over a conference table. Weird blue portals had been opening up over the span of 1 week. They had made up about a month ago. Tony realized that Bucky was being mind controlled and could not think for himself. So now Bucky was living at the compound. He was missing one with though. Phoenix. He still regretted leaving her in Canada, but it was for her own good.
"What are we gonna do with these portals?" Clint asked.
"I don't know, we need to find a way to get rid of them." Banner replies.
"What if something was trying to get through." Steve said after a lot of thinking.
"Like someone wanted to teleport here." Stark clarified.
"Exactly." Steve said and pointed a finger at Stark.
"But why." Natasha spoke up.
"They could want something or someone." Clint said looking at his best friend.
"If this is what we're dealing with, then we need some fire power." Bucky finally spoke up.
"We've got all the fire power right here, all of us have fire power, maybe not literally but we have it." Stark retaliated.
"I'm talking literally, gonna need some vibranium teeth, claws too." Bucky said thinking of his partner.
"Please tell me you're not thinking of that thing." Stark groaned.
"Who, Phoenix." Steve said getting confused.
"Yeah, Steve. She's out there in Canada right now. We just have to find her." Bucky said getting hopeful.
"And what if she won't come with us, what if she found a pack." Bruce commented.
"She will, it might take some convincing. She'll be more than likely hella angry at us, but she'll come. Trust me." Bucky said leaning his elbows on the table.
"Alright, lets go find one angry, fire wielding wolf." Tony stared and then started tracing Phoenixs heat signature.

Hey I know it took me a long time to get this chapter up. I was reading books on Wattpad. I was forgetting about this book. Thank you @AmelliaTallard for commenting and voted on this book. It really means a lot. See you soon.

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