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3rd POV
The ride was not a pleasant one. Any one who approached the black wolf, was snarled at. Phoenix was preoccupied with cleaning herself. She was used to being the leader of the pack and not disturbed, so people coming in on her was new, and she did not like it.
"What's got her all riled up." Tony asked sarcastically after he tried going over to where she was and grab something.
"I don't know, I've never seen her like this." Barnes replied and looked over to wolf. She caught his eye and growled. "It's like she completely hates us"
"Wow, Bucky, I thought you of all people would know. She's clearly not used to human interactions yet and I'm pretty sure she was the leader of her pack and she's used to being the boss and getting her way. So us walking in on her, isn't what she wants." Clint spoke up. Everyone was shocked at his knowledge. "What, I've had a dog or two in the past."
The ride was silent from then on. No one approached the wolf after that and she greatly appreciated it.

Phoenixes POV
I tried to get some sleep, but my mind kept wandering to Bucky. He was alone, sitting cross-legged in a corner. He had that sad look to his features. He was trying to get sleep too. I let out a soft rumble, thinking of I should go over to him or not. My legs moved without consent and went over to Buck. His team eyed me warily, but didn't make a move to stop me.
Bucky opened his ocean colored eyes. My ears flicked back, but not in a aggressive manner. More of an unsure expression.
"Hey nixi, what' you doing over here?" He asked in a soft voice. Oh, god, I missed that voice.
"I'm cold, can't sleep." A small whine escaped.
"Don't you have fire powers." He said in a sarcastic tone, but patted his lap anyway. I rested my upper body on his crossed legs and put my head on his thigh. His arms began stoking my head and neck. I soon drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

3rd POV
The next week everyone was on edge. For one, a killer wolf was roaming the halls, and two, the portals were showing up more often. Phoenix was warming up to everyone, but stayed by Buckys or Clint's side the most. She had taken a liking to Steve, though. They would play tug o' war with his shield. Phoenix could feel the nerves radiating of Steve when Bucky was near and the same from Bucky. It was clear they liked each other, but didn't know how to admit it. She had been training with Clint and Nat, and she was rubbing off on them. Tony was a different story though, same with Bruce. They were always on the lab and smelled like it to. So she steered clear of them when she had the chance. She had nothing against them, but the memories of labs did.

Quick little A/N. This story was originally a crossover between marvel and DC. There will be no justice league or those characters. It will be the shows. So Green Arrow, Flash, Sara Lance, some of the legends, and Supergirl. Oh and Vibe, can't forget him.

Star Labs 3rd POV
"Come on, Cisco, we need that breach to catch Reverse Flash." Barry Allen kept encouraging his friend to open the breach.
"I'm trying Barry, the frequency of this Earth is nothing like we've ever seen." Cisco kept vibing the earth, but couldn't get a hold on the breach.
"I think I've got it." Caitlin said while storming in the room. "We need speed. The speed will add enough energy and vibrations in the air to maintain a steady breach. Oh and the others are here."
"Great, thanks. Bring them in." Barry said while rubbing his hands together. The others soon entered the speed lab. There was Cara, Oliver, Thea, Sara, Nate, Diggle, Ray, and Zari.
"Barry!" Cara squealed and went over to hug the speedster.
"Hi, Cara."
"Barry, did you get it yet?" Oliver asked and crossed his arms, muscles bulging.
"Oh, yeah, right, one second. Cisco if you would." Barry said and then sped around the room while Cisco opened the breach. It held steady.

Phoenix POV
Man I love the couch. It's so darn comfy. Buckys nice to. We were currently lounging on the couch and trying to take a nap. The others were off around in the compound doing there own thing.
The air got a sudden strange scent to it, not its flowery smell. Stark likes the smell of flowers in the place, so the whole area smells like flowers. This smelt like alcohol and metal. I lifted my head and was on high alert. Bucky stirred. A soft whirring noise entered the air. I growled. Something was definitely wrong. Bucky was wide awake now. He sensed something to. He reached under the coffee table to grab a rifle that was hidden. A light blue hue showed up and then one of those portals Stark and Banner talk about. Buck hit the panic button on the table. The others would show soon.
I growled louder. Something or someone was coming through. A red blur came out followed by people decked out in different costumes. Bullets rang out from Buckys rifle. The blur came in front of them and they were not shot in any way or form. The ping of bullets against the floor was heard. The blur was a man. Steve's shield hit the one in green. He had a bow. I backed up next to Bucky and jumped up on the coffee table to look bigger. I saw all of the Avengers behind me ready to fight.
"Excuse me, but who and what are you doing here." Tony spoke up with his repulser raised.
"We're here to catch Reverse Flash."

Eyyy. Chapter 10 done. Sorry it took so long. I was reading other books and working on others. And I couldn't get it to work, but I finally got it. 11 will be up soon hopefully

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