Part 1~ "I don't know why, but I don't feel good about this trip"- Chinen

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"Canned food?"


"And the most important thing. Hairspray?"

"Baka!" Hikaru smacks Yabu's head once before taking the list from the older boy. "This is survivor camp. We don't need hairspray."

"Kei-chan..." Yabu walks to get Inoo who is sitting at the far-most seat of the dining table, kneeling and putting his head on Inoo's lap. "Hika hit me...huuuuu," the oldest boy acts childishly. Inoo laughs and gently pats his boyfriend's head.  

"Ewww... That's disgusting!" Takaki shift his sight, not wanting to see Inoo spoiling Yabu. "Seriously don't do that kind of thing in front of us. Hika-chan, make sure you don't put this two people in the same tent or we won't be able to sleep at the camp site."

"Wooo... you can't separate us. That's cruel! I can't sleep without my buddy!" Yabu hugs Inoo around the boy's waist.

"Ewwwww...!" this time the whole table makes the noise. Everybody feels really disgusted with Yabu's childishness.

Hikaru shakes his head. "Yabu, it's fine to act like that when it's just us, but please behave yourself in front of these kids."

"Gomen," Yabu moves and sit at Hikaru's chair, since the other boy is taking his place conducting the meeting. "Pretend you do not see what just happened."

"All right, back to the agenda," Hikaru takes over the leading role. "So we will depart tomorrow at 9am. So make sure to set your alarm clock properly or you'll be splash by me. Pack all your things tonight, do not leave anything behind."

"And make sure to charge your cell phone before we leave," Daiki reminds the members. "Just in case."

Hikaru takes the whiteboard maker on the table and start writing on the whiteboard on the wall. "We'll have three tents. So Yabu, Inoo and Ryutaro will be together. Yamada, Yuto, Daiki and Keito in the second tent. Then Takaki, Chinen and me in the last one. Any objection?"

"No..." they simultaneously answers.

"Good. Ok, end of discussion. Dismissed."

One by one leave the dining table, leaving Yabu, Hikaru and Inoo behind cleaning up the place. This is the first time JUMP will go out by themselves- no bodyguard, no PA, no reporters- just them. The unexpected 'yes' from Mr. Johnny when they asked for permission thrilled the boys. They can finally have fun without needing to worry about anything else.

And to make sure they are totally unreached by the media Keito comes up with the survivor camp idea which make the boys even more excited than ever. The nice autumn weather permits them to go for the five-days camping in a private island owned by Mr. Johnny himself.

"What's wrong Chii?" Yabu asks the younger boy who suddenly walks into the kitchen with a sour face.

Chinen stares down at the floor. "I'm scared. I don't know why, but I don't feel good about this trip."

Yabu gets himself closer to the worried boy, resting his hand on Chinen's shoulder. "Daijyobu, we'll be fine. Everything will go as planned. I promise," he tries to assure the younger boy.


"Shh..." Inoo hisses. "No but. We are going with the ten of us and we'll be having fun. Stop thinking too much. Come on, smile."

Chinen gaze deeply into the two older boy's eyes, forcing a smile on his face. "Sorry, I'm being childish. I'll just get upstairs then," he leaves without further words.

Inoo watches as the young boy leaves. "Are you sure we'll be all right?" he looks at his boyfriend.

Yabu smiles. "Everything will go just the way we planned it. Don't worry. This trip will be a success," he moves himself closer to Inoo, wrapping his hands around his lover. "Trust me."

"I do."

"Yosh! Let's get our stuff pack!"

~to be continued~

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