Survivor~ Epilogue

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November 30th 2015

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November 30th 2015.

Dear Keito,

How are you dear? I supposed things are fine up there. Hope Ryu didn't bother you too much. Tell him Takaki will be sending the play-station 16 to him, and it's mega edition. Although we know you have everything you need.

Did you see me today in the silver suit? Of course you do. You always watched over me right. I'm officially married dear, to Yama-chan, our new detective. He finally graduate from the detective school, the same school Shoon and Taiyo went. I'm not sure if he will join the two, but for now he is thinking of producing a movie about you and Ryu- about our adventure on the island. 'So that we won't forget'- that's what he said.

He's a good guy Keito. He was always by my side during the dark hours. I thought I'll become the next Kusano. But Yama-chan gave me strength. He built the courage in me to continue living. He makes me understand that love is something that can't be taken away. He knows how much I love you, and he accepted it. He never even once tries to make me forget about you. To have this much of empathy makes me fall for him Keito. Yama-chan said that he doesn't want to be your replacement, just wanting to add another person that loves me as much.

I didn't make the wrong choice right? Please watch over us Keito.

Koyama-kun came to the reception party this afternoon. As usual he keeps apologizing about what happened even though Yabu-kun had told him million of times not to do so. I guess he still feels guilty about the tragedy. And Mr. Johnny was there too! He was so excited playing with Ainosuke and little Ryutaro. When Chii introduce little Keito to him, he immediately takes the baby from Chii and take the boys to the mini playground at our backyard. He acts just like a grandpa! It was cute though.

But you already know this right? I bet you were watching us from above.

Then you must also know how Taiyo tripped over and mashed into little Keito's birthday cake. That man never grows up. The reception ended with cake fights! You must see little Ryutaro throw Dai-chan's apple pie to Takaki. It was fun.

But of course it would be more fun if you two were there.

I miss you Keito, I really do.

Please be assure that you will always be in my heart. Both you and Yamada.

I'll write again later ok? Stay healthy wherever you are.

I love you.

Missing you,


"It's not nice to read other people's letter."

Daiki turns to see Takaki stands behind him with a box neatly wrapped with newspaper in his hand. He quickly wipes his tears, folds the letter and put it back inside the envelope.

Takaki places the box together with other memorial presents- the presents for the dead.

"Ryu must be very happy with your gift," Daiki places the envelope in another box that is filled with letters from all of them over the year. Tomorrow they will take the presents and the letters to the shrine before presenting them to the two boys' grave.

"I hope so," Takaki smiles. "He's a kid after all. I wonder if people ages in the afterlife."

"Who knows," Daiki shrugs his shoulders.

"Do you want children?"

Daiki frowns hearing Takaki's words. "What kind of question is that?"

"Who knows. By the way your pie tastes great."

"Whatever!" Daiki leaves the living room and head upstairs. Somehow Daiki feels so irritated with Takaki. They have been officially together for several months but he never shows his affection. It is so hard to hear the word 'I love you' or 'darling' from him. Takaki in fact never tried to kiss him, left alone to touch him. His confession was by text message- so not romantic. Bakaki!

Daiki swings the door open and enters the room. He switches on the light, revealing a series of arrows on the floor directing him to the window. Curiously he follows the signs and finally stands at his window frame, looking down at the yard.

Marry me?

Those two words are painted in white on the grass.

And the door opens again. Takaki walks in with nervousness, looking at Daiki who is still in shock.

"Yuya...what is this?"

"Proposal," Takaki comes closer.

"Dai-chan, I'm a useless boyfriend, I know that. But I love you, I do! I just don't know how to express it to you. I'm not as romantic as Yabu and Hika. Actually I'm not romantic at all. I'm stupid and childish. And I'm-umph!"

Takaki's lips are tightly sealed by Daiki's very own.

"Erm...does that mean yes?" Takaki asks with Daiki only few inches away from him.

Daiki nods. "Just tell me you love me every morning. That's all I need," the blushing Daiki rubs his head on Takaki's chest.

Takaki gently strokes his boyfriend's hair, and slowly tilt Daiki's head up before kissing him passionately.

"Whooaaaaa!!!!!! Uncle Yuya and uncle Daiki kissed!!!!!" Ainosuke's voice startles the two of them.

Ah, Bakaki forgets to close the door.

"Yabu! Your son is peeping on us!" Takaki yells as he walks to the door. "You are supposed to be in bed Ainosuke! Go!"

But Ainosuke didn't move. The little boy pulls Takaki to squat instead.

"Uncle Yuya, how does it feel to kiss?" Ainosuke's eyes sparkle like a puppy.

"Eih?? What kind of question is that? Go ask your papa!"

"I wanted to but papa Yabu and papa Inoo were exercising."

"HAH???" Daiki's turn to get shock. "In the middle of the night?"

Ainosuke nods. "They don't wear anything though."

Takaki looks at Daiki who is rapidly breathing from the shock.

Oh my, Ainosuke is totally corrupted!

~the end~

*what do you think of my first thriller fic?

*should i write more of this genre?

*don't forget to vote ^_^

*thank you for reading!

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