Part 6~The plan

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The day goes on without any signs that they will find Keito. They have been searching the nearby areas -this time as a group- but the search ends up in disappointment. When they get back to the hut they are all exhausted and not to mention- hungry.

"Ah...I'm tired of eating bananas," Ryutaro whines, looking at the half-riped fruit.

"Just eat that you spoiled kid!" Takaki smacks the younger boy's head, making Ryutaro screaming in pain. However he knows, no matter how much he hates it he doesn't have any other choice but to eat them. Ryutaro gulps the whole banana at once.

Hikaru watches as the other five boys passing around the yellow fruit, the last one goes to Yuto who is still unable to get pass his shock. Either it's from seeing Inoo's chopped arm or from losing his boyfriend, Hikaru is not sure.

"Here Hikaru-kun," Chinen hands a banana to Hikaru.

"It's your share Chii. Go ahead, eat it," Hikaru refuses. Well, he can't deny that he is extremely hungry as he hasn't eaten anything since last night. But as the 'leader' he can't let his group members starve. It's just inappropriate.

Chinen shakes his head. He peels the yellow fruit, cutting a small piece to give to the older boy. "Open your mouth."

"Eih? No no no. It's yours."

"But if Hikaru-kun doesn't eat you won't have energy to protect us. Come on, just open your mouth."

Hikaru's heart beats fast. Doki doki. Crap! Why am I feeling so nervous?

The older boy opens his mouth, allowing Chinen to feed him. He could feel his warm blood flushing his face. He is so sure that he looks like a red-painted statue by now.

The small hand continues to put the pieces of the fruit inside his mouth. Somehow banana taste sweeter when Chinen feeds him like that. Seeing Chinen chuckles as he suddenly chokes makes him feel happy. He is smiling. I make him smile!

"Ehem ehem ehem..." Daiki pretends to clear his throat as he approaches the two boys. Chinen smiles innocently while Hikaru pretends to fix his sitting posture, blushes even more.

"Sorry to interrupt," Daiki is now sitting in between the two boys. "But I need to talk to you Hika."

"What's wrong?"

"Let's see," Daiki rubs his chin. "We are stranded on an unknown island, two of us probably drowned, two people got chopped and one person being kidnapped. No, nothing is wrong. Everything is just fine."

Hikaru scratches his head as Daiki sarcastically smiling at him. Yeah, I shouldn't have asked that question. It's just silly.

"Ya ya... things are going messy. Honestly I don't know what to do," the older murmurs. "But I don't have the intention of dying either."

Hikaru picks a small stick and start sketching randomly on the sand. "Everything seems so weird."

"What do you mean?"

"First of all Keito is very knowledgeable in martial arts. He won various taekwondo and aikido tournament. It would be very difficult to defeat him, and yet Keito was kidnapped only a few minutes after Yuto left? And Yuto even told us that Keito was winning the fight at that time."

Chinen and Daiki nods simultaneously.

"Think about it. Why did the killer needs to kidnap Keito? Can't he just kill him and run away?"

"Maybe he wants to chop him like the other victim," Daiki answers.

"That's another question," Hikaru becomes more and more into the discussion. "Why does he need to trouble himself doing all that?"  

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