Part 5~ The kidnapper

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"Inoo!!! Hey, answer us!"

Silence. The only sound they hear is the echo of their own voices mixing with the noisy waves. There is no sign of Inoo anywhere at the beach. Not even a single footstep that they can track.

"Inoo-kun! This is not the time to play hide and seek! Oiii!! Just come out!" Ryutaro yells. "Stop scaring us..." the boy lands on the white sand. Fear and worry are playing in his mind.

Daiki pats Ryutaro's shoulder several times. "Let's keep looking. We'll definitely find him."

"Let's split up," Hikaru takes his role again. "Chinen and I will take the right side of the beach while Keito and Yuto will go to the left. Takaki, Daiki and Ryutaro will search in the woods. But do not go too far. We don't want any other missing people. If you didn't find anything after half an hour just return to the hut. Understands?"


And the group splits, starting their venture to find the missing boy. Inoo didn't return after his walk at the beach early that morning. They have looked around the area where they landed yesterday but Inoo is nowhere to be found. In fact, there is not a single sign suggesting anyone has ever been at the beach in last couple of hours.

"It's my fault," Keito murmurs as he walks beside Yuto along the shore. "I shouldn't have let him go by himself. I'm stupid!" he slaps his own cheek hard, leaving a red mark on it.

Yuto stops walking. He holds his boyfriend's hand and press a kiss on the red cheek. "Nobody's at fault. Things happen the way it is written to be, by Him. Stop blaming yourself."

"But Inoo-kun-"

"We'll find him for sure. Don't worry."

Keito feels a little bit relieve by Yuto's word. The boy never fails to calm him in this kind of situation. Yes, we'll find him!

And they continue searching.

"Ne Yuto, what will you do if I'm the one who died?"

"Nothing," Yuto spontaneously answers. "Because that won't happen. But if it does, then I'll die with you."

Keito pulls Yuto closer to him, embracing the tall boy with all his heart.

"Gomen, with all that happened I just don't know if we will be together in the next second," Keito slowly releases Yuto.

Yuto smiles. Keito has been his boyfriend for almost a year now, thus he knows him very well. Despite of his masculine appearance Keito actually has a very sentimental heart. He remembers Keito sobbing after he finished his last page of Romeo & Juliet. Yuto feels blessed to have such a caring partner.

Please let us be together, live or dead.

"Yuto, look!"

Yuto turns around, looking at the direction Keito just pointed. The water edge close where they are standing looks red; either it's from the sun's reflection or it is actually stained by something- they are not sure. Carefully the two boys follow the trail. The red water becomes darker and darker as they go along, enough to stain the shore. Now even the sand has turned dark-red. Eventually they arrive at a huge rock, where the water is the darkest- it's almost maroon now.

The two boys get closer to the source of the red stain. The moment they put their legs into the water Yuto suddenly stops.

"What's wrong?" Keito asks.

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