Part 8~ Old friends

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Koyama waits patiently in Mr. Johnny's office. It has been his routine since the past few days to drop by the chairman's room, discussing a rather serious matter with Mr. Johnny. However the past two days have been so intense.

JUMP disappearance has been the main topic on the mass media. The local and international broadcasters have been updating their channel regarding JUMP's issue every few hours. The building's main lobby is crowded with numerous numbers of reporters since early in the morning, begging for the latest update. There are a lot of banners hang around Tokyo wishing the safety of the famous group members. Even the shrines all over Japan are full with visitors with the same prayer- according to the local newspapers.

Rescue teams have been sent few hours after the accident happened. But no matter how many times they searched the parameters they weren't able to find the boys. Seem like they have been drove to a not-known place.

"Ohayo gozaimasu," Koyama bows the moment Mr. Johnny enters the room. He isn't alone.

"Ohayo Koyama-kun," the old man replies. "Please come in Mr. Detective," he invites the three men in black suit and sunglasses into the office. One of them is at his middle age while two others are around Koyama's age.

"Koyama-kun!" the tallest among the three cheerfully greets him and enthusiastically shakes his hand. "Hisashiburi... How are you?"

Koyama tries to stay calm. "I'm fine," he withdraws his hand. "Do we know each other?"

The tall man takes off his sunglass. "It's me, Taiyo. Ayukawa Taiyo."

"And me, Yamashita Shoon," the other young man at the back introduces himself.

"Taiyo! Shoon! Where have you been?" Koyama hugs the boys just like he used to when they were little. "Do you know how much we all miss you? You've grown up! I feel like a father who just reunited with his long lost sons!"

"We were busy doing things you know," Shoon answers Koyama's question. "But yeah, here we are."

"That would be my next question. What are you doing here?"

"They are my trainees," the oldest man replies. "My name is Benjiro Aso, their preceptor."

"Preceptor?" Koyama frowns.

"This is the first case for Detective Yamashita and Detective Ayukawa after they graduated from the Detective School last summer. Of course they have been showing remarkable performances during their training years, hence I have full confidence in them to solve this mystery. And as I said before I am merely a supervisor, so these two young detectives will be the primary lead from now on."

Shoon and Taiyo both bow at the same time.

"Don't worry Koyama-kun! We'll surely find them," Taiyo winks.

Koyama smiles. He is so proud with the two boys. Detective- it's a job that needs a lot of courage and intelligence. The fact that Shoon and Taiyo able to graduate from the detective school which is well known of their strict discipline and tight schedules makes Koyama respect them even more now. Surely the decision to leave Johnny's Entertainment was not at all a bad choice for the two of them.

"Can we start the discussion?" Mr. Johnny gestures everyone to sit down.

"Then I'll wait outside," Koyama excuses himself, walking slowly towards the door but Taiyo stopped him when he was about to exit.

"Actually the person that we want to talk to is you Koyama-kun," Taiyo explains. "Please have a seat."

Koyama obeys. He chooses the empty chair close to Mr. Johnny, facing the three other men. The two boys are in their detectives role now.

"Koyama-kun," Shoon starts. "Can you please tell us what you know about this accident?"

Are they suspecting me? "Nothing. I know nothing."

Taiyo nods. "How well do you know Hironori Kusano?"

Hiro-chan? "He was in the same group with me. You know him too. We were together in Ya Ya Yah days."

"Do you still keep in touch with him after he left the group?"

Koyama stuns. "Erm... Yes, we do. I called him often, just to know if he's alright."

"When was the last time you talk to him?"

"It was like... two weeks ago."

"Do you know where he is right now?"

"Yes," Koyama stares at the floor. "He is in Tokyo General Hospital... mental health unit."

"He's not," Shoon takes out a paper from his folder and place it on the table. "This is the report made on 22nd November 2010. Kusano escaped from the unit and yet to be found. Koyama-kun, I'm asking you again- do you know where Kusano is right now?"

Hiro-chan escaped? "I don't know. I'm telling you the truth. Why? Why did he run away?" Is he the mastermind behind all this? So the threat was not a joke. What have I done?

Taiyo jots down a few things on his notebook. "We had a little talk with Mr. Johnny before we came in. From what we heard the real people to go on the vacation is actually NEWS. Allow me to ask this Koyama-kun- why did you cancelled the trip?"

Koyama's hands trembles. His whole body is shaking. "So it's really him."

Shoon and Taiyo look at each other. "What is it that you didn't tell us Koyama-kun?"

"You are right, we are the one who were supposed to be on that boat. It's supposed to be our vacation. But..."

"But what?"

"He threatened us. He said he will kill all of us for betraying him. That's why I cancelled the trip. I thought he would just give up when I told him, therefore I didn't suspect anything when Mr. Johnny offered the trip to JUMP. Apparently he didn't. Oh my God... what have I done?" Koyama cupped his face with his trembling hands.

Shoon lays back on his chair. "Kusano is at peak of his illness when he ran away from the unit. He didn't take any of his medication for days, so his symptoms may be hundred times worsen by now. I'm afraid JUMP is really in danger. We wouldn't know what he might do when he become his psychotic self."

"Psychotic self?" for the next time Koyama frowns, looking all confuse. "What are you talking about? I thought he was admitted for severe depression."

"That's what he told you right?" Shoon raises his eyebrows, looking at Koyama. The older boy nods.

"It's true he has depression Koyama-kun," Taiyo stands up. "But that's not all."

"He has Multiple Personality Disorder."

~to be continued~

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