1: who is following me?!

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Alesha's POV

"Wake up! Alesha wake up your gonna be late!" Screamed Tanya my little sister who is not so little now, she's 16 years old! I open my eyes and see her looking at me like what the hell! I got up, my eyes now opened wide I smack her on the arm and start to laugh.

"Dentist appointment right, what time is it boo!" I say to her while grabbing her arm to see the time on the watch.

"10:21am... You know today after your dentist appointment can we go shopping!" Tanya asks with a cheesy smile on her face that make me want to laugh more.

"Umm I don't know about that go with your friends, Tanya stop bothering me otherwise I'll tell Bhai to tickle you" I say with a smirk on my face.

"Urgh fine I'm not going town your so mean and by the way how you going to tell him Bhai is in Dubai for another two weeks hah so who's gonna tickle me now and save you!"

I opened my eyes in shock like I forgot my brothers in Dubai before I can say anything I'm whacked by a pillow again and again. That's it my anger level was on 10 and I got Tanya in a headlock and grab the nearest pillow to me and whack her even more then she did!

"Ya'Allah! Stop it now you two, you've got got a dentist appointment with Dr. Smith Alesha 20 minutes left otherwise you would pay the fine for being late!" My mother screamed at us..... So that was my sweet , no work morning.

Family intro:

Mum and dad. Afzol and Ameena Alam. Late 40

Big brother, Zakir Alam. Age:25

Sister, Zahrah Shiekh. Age:23 married

Brother in law, Ayaan Shiekh. Age:26

Me, Alesha Alam. Age:22

Tanya Alam: Age:16

Yaseen Shiekh,6 months Zahra and Ayaan's child.

"Get my handbag it's in the kitchen counter and my cars keys I think there in the living room somewhere" I say while checking my phone if I get any messages.

"Tanyaaaaaaaa-" (slap on the arm) "oww" I cry in pain, looking at my mum.

"Have you heard yourself? your so loud you can wake the entire house" my says with a stern face on.

"What you mean abba?... Ok I'm sorry I'll act my age next time" I sigh, I turn around and see Tanya breathing in and out like she ran a marathon "does it take you that long to get a bag and my car key, I'm alr-"

"Oh please your blaming me that your getting late, you should organise your stuff and remember where the hell you put them" she says rudely with a smile on her face. I was just about to say anything but mum sent us to car. I'll just give Tanya the silent treatment in the car!

"I'm sorry love! It's just that time in the month where I go haywire and moody on people, please talk I don't like the silent treatment" she says putting her hand on her heart.

"It's ok" I said while parking in front of the Dentist. I leave Tanya in the waiting room and go inside. Before going inside I look at the mirror and tighten my hijab. I walk in and I see a man maybe two years older than me, I lower my gaze and wait for him to go. Two minutes he is not leaving, I'll just leave! I walk out the door my doctor comes.

"Oh my I'm sorry I was late" she says looking guilty,

"Oh it's ok I was about to leave" I laugh looking at her.

"Um Mr Karim you can leave thank you for taking my patients today I'll take now but Dr Khan needs you for something, it's urgent by the way" she says to the man who was in the room and wasn't leaving.

He leaves and pushes me by accident and doesn't even say sorry!

"Umm Miss Alam.. Please sit and I will do your check up" she says smiling at me.

"Ok" I say smiling.

"You have beautiful teeth" she says while putting a filling and complimenting my teeth. This lady is so nice and now that she was done she advised me not to eat for 1 hour!

"Bye, thank you" I say smiling

"You know you could be this, the people who advertise there teeth" she says laughing.

"Omg I didn't know my teeth were that nice, my big brother used to say my smile could make his day" I say smiling like a ninny, Dr Smith will properly think I showing off my teeth. While leaving her. Before I open the door some idiot opens it and I bang my head really hard.

"Oww Ya'Allah" I say while getting up, I look to see who made this huge lump on my forehead and see is that weird guy Mr Karim.

"Urgh not even I apology!" I muttered under my breath as he went past me.

"Your out do you kn- whoa what happened to your head you've got a huge lump who done this your dentist I gonna go and sort her out" I grab her by the arm and give her my angry look and told her to come in the car!

We both sat in the car and start laughing none stop inside the car.

"Wait let me start the car hey Tanya do you want to go town" I say to her hoping she would say no but I know she wouldn't.

"Omg yes I want to go now please thank you, thank you" she says in one breath. Town from my dentist is quite far. So while I was driving I had a feeling that someone was following me weird. I went through a alley way to see if that black car followed me oh my god and it did that's it I'm getting scared. I lock my car doors from the inside and also the outside, then I went high on the speed.

"I lost that car Tanya"'I say while interrupted her while she was praying for our safety.

"That's good let's get out" she says and we go into the main centre and I obviously go to the make up section with Tanya.

"Buy this, the colour is so nice.. Ohh or this" she says getting excited

"Do you know what Tanya I'll just buy the whole the store" I say while paying for the two lipsticks, yes I bought the two they were just so nice.

Tanya went to some shops while I wait for her. Shopping is so relaxing I thought to myself, zoning out in my own little world. Until someone grabbed my arm pushed me to the nearest wall.

"I'm sorry about the door and now" he said while removing his hands from my mouth, to prevent me from screaming.

"Oh so you were following me just to say sorry Mr Karim" I say fully on the edge to cry but I hold myself.

"You know my name!.. Call me Faisal Karim" he said with his deep yet calm voice with that cheeky smile on his face.

"Urgh...goodbye Mr Karim I hope I never see you again" I say while leaving.

Faisal runs up to and again apologises and the asks for my name!

"Will you promise to leave me alone" I say with a smile on my face.

"Yes I swear" he says pinching is neck which I found cute, snap out of it Alesha!

"Alesha Alam bye" and I run off leaving him. That strange guy could of just said sorry at the scene instead of bloody scaring the life out of me. I told Tanya what happen and everything, I thought she would be ready to kick this guys ass but noo! She starts laughing until tears come out her eyes!

My first chapter! That was hard! :)

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