2: so nice to be home

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The journey to my house was not that long. After what happened in town I swear down all I want to do is fall on my bed! I park my car, and go inside my house only to find my mum on the phone laughing and talking about me. The only time she talks good about is when I've done something good which is nothing I remember doing, or she is talking to family asking for my hand in marriage.

I know it's going to be bad news for me but obviously good news for her. I run upstairs locking myself in my room.

Knock, knock.

"Come in" I say

"Alesha a family is coming to see you tomorrow, hopefully say yes to this one because your cousin in Sheffield does not want to get married until your married and she is turning 26 this year" she says holding my hand.

"But amma I don't like marriage how old I'm I? I'm still young to get married, but I will say yes to this guy" I say on the edge to cry!

"We don't want to force is just your uncles and aunties are making a big fuss in getting you married and there giving so much pressure on your dad who won't be able to take it. Your remember that auntie the one that lives far away not that close to us said if you don't get married she will get you married to her oldest son. Who 2 years older then you. But you wouldn't mind they are good looking" she says crying and laughing.

I give her a disgusted look. She isn't a blood Aunty just someone that we respect but we are quite close.

"Tanya did you hear everything I might be getting married, I'm getting married I'm going to have to say yes!" I cry on Tanya's shoulder.

"You know you don't have to, like why doesn't that stupid girl, what's her name again get married, why the hell is she waiting for you" she says wiping my tears.

"Tahira is her name I don't know man she so annoying, she is still young how the hell is she getting old, ......wait (gasp) remember that convo we had where we said some stupid things about our future husband I remember I said I'm going to get a handsome husband. She took that seriously while everyone starts to laugh remember" I say shocked.

"Omg I think that's the reason she wants you to get married first so she can find a better husband then you lol! Anyways don't worry about the guy your seeing mum showed me who he is when I went to the butchers with her he was there too. Do you know,if I was your age I would agree to marry him instantly" she says laughing and winking at me!

I don't know but I felt weird when my sister says that she would marry my soon to be husband, well husband it looks like I have no choice to marry him. Only if he says yes to me.

1hour later:

"Amma please tell me one thing how can you fix my wedding if Bhai is not here and I already now that Zahra Affa knows" I say confused

"Umm we told him about the wedding thing and he said that, you won't get married until he comes so in another couple of months. I think that's good news to you right" my mum says.

"You bet your right.... What's the guy who I'm going to meet name?" I say

"Zaydeer khan, he used to come to your school" my mum say. After I heard that name i began to blush like a fool and run upstairs. I can't believe it I'm getting married to the hottest guy in high school well at that time, argh I can't believe it I might get married to him. I wonder if he looks the same. How is he? Is he going to love me? Why on earth I'm I thinking about that he needs to like me. But I'm not ugly neither I'm I beautiful, average no matter what people say I try to hide my face from perverts. I remember one time some guy started to stalk me, his name was Humza Ahmed. He was scary but he was good looking, I told my brother about him and the next day he was gone. 2 months later Humza came back with a broken arm, turns out my brother broke his arm. I miss my brother so much.

My best Khadeeja had a thing going for my brother, I noticed that my brother had something going with her. They didn't express their feelings to each other but if they did they would be the best couple ever. Too bad Khadeeja had to go Pakistan for 2 months she is coming back in 3 weeks. Khadeeja was stunning big green eyes, just stunning!

I go downstairs to see my mum praying. Me and my sister would have prayed but it's that time of the month so we can't. Tanya comes down and tells me that we have some shopping to do and we need more things, first I didn't get it but then I did.

"Tanya I'm in the car" I say looking at my phone.

"I'm here mum gave me a shopping list" she says I just roll my eyes and start to drive.

"Affa how come your not going back to work" she says looking out the window.

"Oh well don't scream I have 2 months off because I worked overtime and they were just generous" I say to her focusing on the road as a police car just went by.

"That's good how long-" I interrupted her by saying....

"We're here c'mon let's go" I say getting out of the car and locking it. I turn around and I see that Mr Karim is here but he didn't notice me, which is good! After grabbing our items and wondering about me and Tanya were waiting in the queue and behind us was Mr Karim. But nothing happened between us though which is good.

It was our turn and our checkout person was a male that's just embarrassing I got girly things and stuff but I went with it. Mr Karim came right next to what is he doing.

"Could you please hurry up, what are you doing here?" I say to the checkout person and Mr Karim

"You know your beautiful and this guy seems so dodgy, I'll pretend to be you husband or something so nothing happens to you!" He says but the smiles with a blush that made me want to smile but I controlled myself. Where the hell is Tanya when you need her? She bloody goes to the toilet now.

"Why do you care about me!" I raise my eyebrows and look down immediately.

"Ikindamadepromisetolooookafterrrry-you" he says but all I could understand was you! Ok and I leave!

I phone Tanya and say where she is, she bloody tells me she has been in the car and I'm waiting for her outside the shop. I end the phone and my mum is has been ringing me, so answer it.

"Assalamualaikum am-' I say

"You guys ok" she says

"Yes we are leaving now just a big queue that's why we're late"

"Oh ok never mind then bye" she says and cuts the Phone. I check the time and it's 6:00pm I also need to drop something to my friends house a letter by the time I'll eht home with traffic half 7ish ok that's fine.

I drop the letter and the time is 7:00pm she lives quite far.

I'm home about 7:45pm, me and Tanya you in give our salaams and our dinner. I make myself some tea and there's a knock in the door I scream and say I'll get it.

I opened the door.

"Omg" I scream, my hot tea fell and I burnt my hand!

Who do you think it's going to be? :)

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