🖤chapter 6 - friendly murderer?🖤

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the next day, elliott was awoken by that familiar accented voice that he was so fascinated by.

"awaken elliott 'mirage', it is time to train." bloodhound announced, towering over him beside his bed.

his eyes flickered rapidly as he gazed up at the masked face, tilted slightly. he sighed and sat himself up, stretching his aching torso.

"just call me elli, that name's a bit too much." he pleaded, rubbing his tired eyes.

"very well, you should dress elli, you look cold." their tone was laced with the slightest bit of concern. he furrowed his brows at them, slightly thrown off.

bloody? worried about me? never!

he mentally shook his head then threw his covers back, swinging his legs across the edge towards bloodhound, but stopped just before them, flicking his bare foot in annoyance at them stood way too close to his bed. with an understanding nod, they stepped backwards, watching elliott as he sat up, planting his feet into the soft carpet.

elliott sighed then examined the dorm, realising ajay was nowhere to be found. assuming she headed out, his eyes travelled back to that wondrous mask.

"i shall gather your garments." they informed once his eyes landed upon them, reaching to the ground for his pile of dirty clothes beside their feet.

he had to admit, he was kind of shocked by bloodhound's behaviour. they seemed so different the night before.

"look, i appreciate the "help"," he gestured with air quotes, "but i'm capable of dressing myself thanks." he assured, sighing in slight annoyance.

"are you sure? i am here to aid you after all. i can get these cleaned for you, the scent is rather.. pungent." they informed in disgust after taking a sniff of elliott's dirty laundry.

"gee thanks." he huffed then snatched the clothes away in irritation. bloodhound frowned beneath their mask, of course invisible to the impatient elliott in front of them. "um, unless you wanna see me naked, i suggest you like turn away, or head in the bathroom or something." he scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"i do not mind. i shall be here if you are in need of assistance." they attempted to reassure earning a guffaw of disbelief from the man.

"look bloody, i know you mean well, but you're not watching me change. bye bye." he dismissed then pointed towards the bathroom door.

they nodded in defeat, turning in the direction of the bathroom, dragging their feet towards it, then stepping inside, closing the door behind them.

as elliott rolled his eyes with a chuckle, he began to feel a bit of sympathy. he knew they meant well, but the situation was so abnormal.

once he was fully naked, he reached for a fresh pair of boxers from his drawer, only to have the bathroom door fling open and bloodhound rushing out. he yelled in embarrassment and dived onto his bed, covering his manhood with his pillow. his cheeks were bright red and his breath heavy from shock. bloodhound stood and stared at him, tilting their head to the side in what seemed to he curiosity.

"what the fuck?! i told you to stay in there." he shouted in disbelief, extremely annoyed.

"i am sorry." they averted their gaze to the ground, tone falling quieter. "it is just, you seem to have forgotten these." they explained holding out their glove covered hand in front of them. in their palm laid two grey socks to which elliott chuckled at.

with a fond sigh, he stood from the bed, heart rate steadying and pillow still covering his area as he grasped the socks with his free hand.

"thank you, bloodhound." he smiled with a giggle then sat back down.

bloodhound nodded in acknowledgement and stood still for a moment, both of them staring at each other in awe. a little time had past before elliott cleared his throat awkwardly, shaking his head to break their gaze. bloodhound just averted their eyes to the carpet.

"right, well um-" he spoke dryly. "i'd better actually get dressed now." he chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"oh yes. i will leave you once again. i expect ajay 'lifeline' to return at any minute. farewell." with that, they turned away once more.

elliott sighed, losing himself in his thoughts as he rested his chin in his palm that was supported by his bare knee as he watched them walk away once more.

this whole encounter has been like really weird, i don't know how to feel. i know they mean well and everything, but what the fuck? maybe they aren't used to other people. hmm...


A/N - Ahhh!! They are both so cute omg! I really hope you enjoyed this lighthearted chapter, I had a lot of fun writing it. It just makes me even more excited to explore their relationship!

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