🖤chapter 11 - frustration🖤

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"elli, i'm back!" ajay announced as she entered through the door to their dorm room. she scanned the area and spotted  him under his covers.

"elliott, we have training soon. get up!" she sighed patting him through his covers.

he responded with a groan, clearly not moving from his position.

"what's wrong with you?!" she asked, raising her voice as she tugged the covers back to reveal him huddled up, hands clutching beneath his feet. he looked like a cinnamon bun.

she furrowed her brows at his state and sat beside him, he just looked away with a sigh.

"tell me, what's the matter with you?" she insisted, brushing a curly strand of hair behind his right ear.

don't tell her. you can't, she can't know!

"i-i think i, you know-" he stuttered, heart rate increasing.

stop now! don't say it, idiot!!

"go on..." she gestured growing impatient.

"i think i l-like bloodhound." the words poured out quickly, she barley caught what he said.

great job. way to go, elliott!

she took a moment, not really sure how to respond, sitting still.

"elliott, you could have just told me, you know. there's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone." she explained, slightly hurt. "you can always trust me, okay?"

"look, i'm sorry, ajay. i just couldn't bring myself to telling you, but last night they said i was special and charming and all that mushy shit and earlier they even thanked me for existing?! like what the hell?" he rambled in panic, still in disbelief, his grip on his feet loosened to flail his hands around.

ajay was slightly shocked by what she was hearing. she never expected bloodhound to be the affectionate type, she was beyond surprised.

"well, does bloodhound know you like them too?" she asked placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

he looked at her for a moment, lost in thought.

"i-i'm not sure. i mean i've been so awkward around them, it's probably so obvious. but i don't know yet." he explained with frustration.

"look. calm down, it's okay." she assured with a sigh. "maybe you should just talk to them about it when they come back." she suggested with an assuring smile.

"i-i'm scared. they make me so nervous and intimed- intedim- intmid- intimidated!" he struggled, pulling at his hair in annoyance.

"hey, hey! cool down. look, whenever you feel comfortable, just try and talk to them. communication is key!" she advised trying her best to calm him.

"how can i communicate with this stupid stutter and their weird staring?!" he yelled, tears starting to well up in his eyes from even more frustration.

she sighed, deciding to remain silent until he calmed down. she reached over, running her fingers through his sweat-dripping curly locks. she didn't care though, she just wanted him to calm down.

"i'll give you some time alone, head out and find bloodhound. in the meantime, just try to relax." she spoke with a warm smile, getting up from the edge of his bed and pulling the covers back over him, tucking them under his arms.

"see ya."

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