🖤chapter 13 - shower🖤

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A/N - Above is my brand new montage that I worked extremely hard on! It's my favourite one so far, I love how it turned out! I hope you enjoy it if you wanna check it out <3


"there you guys are! i was looking everywhere for you both!" ajay exclaimed in relief as bloodhound used elliott's hanging feet to kick open the door.

"sorry to worry you, friend. we bumped into each other at the park and he was pretty exhausted." they explained as they gestured towards him, thoughts of what happened beneath the tree causing a blush to rise to their cheeks beneath the mask.

"i'm just glad you guys are back." she furrowed her brows by elliott's position but chose to ignore it, huffing as she rested her chin upon her hand propped up by her knee as she sat on elliott's bed.

"it seems as though we missed training." they informed plainly.

"duh, you think?! it's been hours since training ended." she chuckled shaking her head.

bloodhound walked nearer to elliott and ajay's bunks, stopping as they nodded their head in his direction, suggesting they want ajay to get up so elliott could rest. she quickly got the message and hopped to her feet, stomach rumbling suddenly.

"well, whilst he gets a rest, keep an eye on him whilst i head out to get us some food?" she asked placing a hand on their shoulder with a smile.

"of course." they nodded, setting him carefully on the bed, watching as she headed towards the door.

once she was gone from the room, they got down on their knees beside the bed gazing at elliott's peaceful expression with a blush. they took the opportunity to play with his wavy locks, running and curling strands of chocolate hair beneath their gloved fingers. they felt warm and comfortable.

they then averted their gaze to the fairly obvious patch that had seemingly grown on his pants. snickering, they decided he'd need to clean himself up a bit before ajay returned to avoid any suspicion. they'd tell her some day, just not then.

giving him a small shake, he groaned lowly, eyes fluttering open to greet that familiar wondrous mask. he stretched his body, moaning slightly as he felt his muscles tense. bloodhound just watched in amusement, smirking fondly.

"greetings, sunshine. i thought you might have wanted to clean up before ajay returns. she's fetching food at the moment." they explained softly, continuing to brush strands if hair from his face.

"i guess so." he said with a yawn, clutching onto bloodhound's playful hand and squeezing it gently. he brought it to his cheek and snuggled into it with a smile. bloodhound felt their heart practically melting.

"alrighty, i'll go take a shower." he winked, letting go of their hand and sitting up.

bloodhound chuckled then got to their feet to give him space to get up also. as he stood, he stretched once more, just like he usually does then headed towards the bathroom.

stopping beside the door, he looked over his shoulder at bloodhound, who was watching his every move with their hands linked in front of them. he smirked.

"you can come and watch me if you'd like." he offered with a suggestive tone, winking as he turned to face them. they were slightly taken aback, red beneath their mask as they shuffled their feet awkwardly.

"i-oh. uh, sure- of course." they stuttered causing him to chuckle in amusement as he held out his hand for them to grab, leading them into the bathroom.

"now you stand there, hunter. i'll give you a show alright." he smirked biting his tongue.

bloodhound stood frozen as they watched him slowly undress, swaying his hips and moving his feet painfully slowly, removing one article of clothing each time and tossing it to the ground.

one he was finally just in his boxers, he stepped closer to bloodhound who was practically stunned and beet red.

"imma need you to help me slip these off." he gestured to his crotch, clutching at it as he palmed himself slowly.

he grasped their shaky hands, bringing them to his hips where his waistband sat tightly.

"yank them." he commanded eagerly to which they nodded frantically, pulling his boxers down to his ankles.

they gazed at his manhood intrigued as they rested on their knees, completely captivated as they felt themselves practically drooling over the site.

"good hunter, i'm gonna get in the shower now." he smiled warmly, patting the top of their helmet before stepping back and heading towards the shower.

"you're beautiful."

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