🖤chapter 7 - sudden attack🖤

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once he was fully dressed, elliott called bloodhound back in who entered on command then took a seat on their bed. the two just sat opposite each other, eyes fixated in the silence.

for some reason, elliott didn't feel awkward at all, his glancing was somehow comforting, the mask occupying his gaze. he simply sat, playing with his fingers and kicking his heels against the bed beneath him.

a little time passed before the door clicked, startling elliott who finally broke his stare with a cough. his heart rate increased suddenly as his eyes travelled to the door. bloodhound, seemingly unfazed, just turned their head towards it also.

"say, ajay che has returned!" she announced as she walked through the door with two brown paper bags.

elliott's eyes suddenly lit up at the logo printed on the bags. it was from a local breakfast place not far from the training centre, he used to love heading there before working.

"oh my god!" he practically burst with excitement, even startling bloodhound in the process who's head snapped towards him, eyes fixating on his childish expression.

"you did not get mr. jerry's, that's like my favourite place ever!" he exclaimed hurrying to his feet to grab a bag off her as she walked towards them.

"i got a lil' something for all of us, take whatcha fancy." she offered setting the bag on the foot of bloodhound's bed.

they turned to gaze at the bag then turned away again, watching as elliott dug through the bag impatiently.

"hey bloody, you gotta try one of these things!" he insisted, tossing a breakfast burrito towards them in which they instinctively caught with a huff.

"say, why don't you take off the mask and eat with us?" he asked politely with a cheesy grin.

bloodhound was slightly taken aback by his request, getting to their feet immediately.

"i am sorry, i must leave now. meet me at the training centre in an hour." with that, they hurried out of the room, burrito still in hand.

elliott frowned in disappointment at the sudden dismissal, it kind of ruined his mood. ajay sat beside him and began tucking into her meal, a look of confusion present on her face too.

"did i say something wrong? why'd they just run off like that?" he questioned in upset.

"nah, maybe they just ain't used to other people. don't worry, maybe we can ask them later?" she reassured patting his shoulder to comfort him.

sighing, his appetite lost, he tossed half his burrito into the bag and headed into the bathroom to get ready for training. ajay just pouted, but continued to eat. she was not about to let this wonderful food go to waste.


time had past and elliott and ajay were about to leave the dorm to join bloodhound for some training. elliott felt extremely anxious, not knowing what to expect from the hound. he tried to brush earlier off but it stuck in the back if his mind, never leaving his train of thought.

"right, let's make our way down." ajay suggested closing the door behind them as they exited the room.

they began their walk to the training area, only five minutes or so from the dorms. it was so alarming to elliott when he thought that the majority of the people in their dormitory were just training to die eventually. maybe they were doing the same, but at least they had time to adventure before the grand battle royale event.

when arriving at the training centre, elliott and ajay were bombarded by sweaty muscular people and challenging obstacle courses surrounding them. they felt extremely overwhelmed as they proceeded to what seemed to be the front desk to sign in.

after all that was sorted, they proceeded through the array of insane looking mechanics and obstacles that literally looked like death traps. aside from that, there was your usual climbing walls, tyre running and net crawling dotted around the area.

"if i were bloodhound, where would i be?" ajay asked, nudging elliott to gain his attention.

"i mean, they seem to be the type of person to hang out in some treehouse with a bunch of animal friends they communicate with through a secret language." he rambled in exaggeration, hands flailing about the place.

ajay giggled but nodded in agreement as elliott pointed towards a sign that directed them towards the woodland area.

"how will we ever find someone who literally looks like they belong in the wood-ugh!" elliott was interrupted by a heavy weight crashing down in him, collapsing to the ground he groaned.

ajay was in a fit if laughter as bloodhound sat perched on elliott's back, gazing down at him moaning in pain.

"you should have expected that, elliott. your awareness is poor." they taunted as they dug their feet further into his back to which he yelled out in pain.

"aghh!! get the fuck off me you weirdo, my spine is screaming for help!" he yelled hysterically in a mixture of annoyance, pain and disbelief.

"learn to be more weary of your surroundings and maybe next time something like this won't happen." they informed strictly, hoping off his back and waving at ajay who chuckled in response.

"look you two, if this is how i'm gonna get treated, i'm finding a new squad." he threatened, attempting to sound intimidating earning a chuckle from ajay and a muffled snicker from bloodhound.

"too bad you're stuck with us." she mocked, shoving him in the shoulder.

"you're gonna regret this.. just you wait."

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