🖤chapter 14 - new arrival🖤

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time had past and the four were getting ready for their next training session. hunter and elliott snuck glances at each other, whilst ajay packed all their equipment ready.

blushes on their cheeks, their heads snapped towards the door as they heard a faced paced knocking against it. furrowing her brows and looking at elliott who only shared the same expression and shrugged, she headed towards the door.

"i wonder who that could be." she said with a curious tone as she neared the door.

as she twisted the doorknob, she slowly began to open it, peering through the crack to spot two metal or robotic looking feet standing beside the door. she was slightly taken aback but opened it a little more to reveal what seemed to be a person. deciding enough was enough, she yanked the door open with a smile, following a deep breath.

she gazed quite stunned at the scrawny figure that shuffled their robotic legs impatiently, extremely skinny arms shaking with what seemed to be anticipation. their outfit was torn completely, mostly just rags covered by a vest of some sorts and some abnormal bright green circular goggles with some sort of skull bandana across their mouth.

"hola, amigos. please excuse me, my name is octavio, but please, call me octane." he introduced himself with a faced-paced and silky spanish accent.

"h-hello there." lifeline greeted offering an unsure smile as she leaned against the door. the other two just stood beside their beds glancing at each other then back to the door for their reactions.

"i'm sorry to bother you, but i am new here and well, your dorm room was first i came to." he explained with a giggle, scratching his neck awkwardly.

"it's all good. have you not got a squad yet?" she asked with a frown.

"they told me i should get to know some people whilst they sort me into a squad." he explained excitedly, practically bouncing on his unusual robot feet.

"that's good, well it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm ajay and this is bloodhound and elliott." she introduced with a warm smile.

"that's mirage to you!" elliott yelled from behind her in annoyance.

she chuckled and gestured the slender man inside. he hopped excitedly then followed her inside, standing beside bloodhound who practically gave him a death stare through their mask.

"hola, amigos, i am truly sorry to bother." he apologised once more, gazing down at his shuffling feet from anxiety.

"nah, you're not bothering us, take a seat." elliott offered pointing to hunter's bed.

as he was about to sit down, he felt a strong grip on his shoulder making him jump back upwards.

"not here." bloodhound stated calmly, almost passive aggressive as they gawked at him, tilting their head slightly.

"oh come on, babe- hun, hunter! i- uh, let him sit." elliott stuttered in embarrassment after realising what he had said.

bloodhound blushed beneath their mask realising it too, but sighed and gestured towards the bed, giving in to their lover.

"why thank you! are you heading for the training centre soon? i'd love to join you guys." he asked excitedly as he patted his hands against his knees rapidly.

"we should be heading down in a bit, feel free to join." ajay smiled, patting his shaky shoulder. he gave her a toothy smile through his bandana in response and hopped to his feet.

"are you guys ready?" she asked as she slung her duffel bag across her shoulder.

"very well, let us leave, comrades." bloodhound nodded in agreement as they got to their feet.

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