🖤chapter 16 - watchful eye🖤

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A/N - my newest apex video is linked above and i'm super proud of it!! please go check it out if you want to, it would mean so much! my channel is linked in my bio if you'd like to support me! it would help immensely on my journey to 1k subscribers!! <3


•two days later•

"i am going to keep an eye out for you, mysterious one. how do i know that you can be trusted?" bloodhound stood tall hovering over a quivering octane as his back was pressed against the wall of the hallway.

"you're calling me the mysterious one?! just look at yourself in the mirror, crazy!" octavio boomed, completely baffled as he flailed his arms about in intimidation.

"keep away from eliott, i will protect him at all costs." they warned, masked eyes burning holes into octane's goggles.

"i- of course, whatever you say, amigo! i won't lay a finger on him! promise!" he rambled with a nervous chuckle, desperate to escape bloodhound's daunting presence.

"very well. you may join the others. keep your word and you'll keep your head, quick one." their words slithered into his ears, terrifying him, his body shaking from head to metal toe. as he dashed out of the room, bloodhound watched with a smirk beneath their mask. ensuring mirage's safety was their main goal now. they felt a duty to protect him within their heart.

"time to check on my elliott, i assume he is awaiting my return." they spoke quietly to themselves with a soft smile before proceeding down the hallway.


bloodhound opened the door to their room to hear mirage's loud silky voice echoing against the walls as he spoke with lifeline about a new member.

"-and i was like, what the hell are you talking about, nerd?! that kid and his drone i tell you, he's quiet but there's a lot in that brain of his." he chuckled at himself, ajay giggling along with him before they turned to bloodhound entering the room.

"well if it aint my favourite mask-wearing beauty!" mirage exclaimed with a grin as he hopped to his feet.

"oh quiet, you flatter me. greetings, dear elliott and a hello to you ajay, my friend." they greeted with a warm smile beneath their mask. ajay gave a small wave and a smile.

"i better head out, got places to be and people to see! breath easy, i won't be long!" ajay announced as she headed towards the door. "bye bye.." she smirked with a wave then left the room.

the door closed and the two were left gazing towards it in silence before bloodhound turned their head slowly to face elliott, he smirked and took a very obvious step closer, sliding his other foot forward slowly so that he stood in front of the masked hunter

"so.. just you and i.. me and you." he teased, hand sliding onto their hip and around their lower back. their body shivered.

"indeed, it seems that way." they whispered, stepping closer into his grip.

"i've missed you. you've been gone too long, sweet thing." he admitted, his voice quieter now, choking on his words a little from the lump forming in his throat.

"i knew i couldn't keep away much longer, i had to be by your side, dearest." their words were like honey to mirage's ears, a blush forming on his cheeks as he grinned lovingly.

"that feeling at the fountain.. it was unlike anything i have felt before. i wish to experience it more if you are willing." they revealed, eyes travelling to their boots with slight embarrassment.

"shit, i've never felt anything like that either. you're special and you get me in every way." his head lolled from side to side as he recalled the event, his words slurring slightly from the memory of bliss.

"..but i need to ask you.. will you take off the mask?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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