chapter 21: first holiday

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"Okay, hear me out," Adam says on the Saturday morning before NXT Live in Venice, Florida as he and Trevor are grocery shopping for their homes. They're on the breakfast aisle and Adam points to the cereal. "What if we went as two of these cereal guys?"

WarGames is fast approaching, which means Trevor is feuding with Adam again. But since they already filmed the build-up to it that past Wednesday, that leaves them with plenty of time to focus on their couples Halloween costume for the party Johnny and Candice are throwing. Trevor wasn't too hot on the idea, but since it was their first holiday together, he gave in. He's also not feeling the costumes Adam's suggesting now yet indulges him anyway. "Which ones?"

Adam gestures to Trevor, eyes still locked on the cereal. "You can go as the Fruit Loops guy because you're obviously crazy about me."

"His name is Toucan Sam," Trevor points out, ignoring the rest of his claim.

Adam's hand moves to his chest. "And I can go as the one on the Cocoa Puffs because—"

"Don't even think about finishing that joke," Trevor warns with a small smile, painfully aware of where Adam was going with that one. Adam turns to him chuckling but gets the memo. "And his name is Sonny."

"I love that you know that." He grabs a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms to toss into the buggy, then comes around to stand in front of Trevor. "So, is that a yes or no?"

They've been trying to figure out what to be for the past three days and haven't come up with anything that represents who they are as a couple, which was Trevor's one request. If they're dressing up, not only are they going all out, but it's gotta be meaningful as well. "It's a no for two reasons. I don't want to be birds, and you didn't even know their names before I told you."

"Babe," Adam groans playfully, hands moving to Trevor's hips. "Not a single person except you knows their names. And you know why? Because, and I say this with love, you're an adorable dork."

Trevor fakes offense. "Are you trying to get kicked out of my bed that bad?"

"Of course not. I meant that as a compliment. And I'm not just saying that because your bed is more comfortable than mine," he adds, tacking on a cheeky smile

"Uh-huh, I bet," Trevor replies with a roll of his eyes. "We're still not being them, though."

"That's fair," Adam agrees, moving closer to knock his nose gently against Trevor's. "I'd much rather see you be something sexy anyway."

Tilting his head to the side curiously, Trevor takes the bait. "Sexy like what?"

Adam drops his voice low to whisper, "Sexy like a member of Undisputed Era."

Trevor laughs, since he's honestly caught off guard by that one. "You're the worst," he tells him, but kisses him regardless. Even though they're probably standing in the way of some little kid and their sugary cereal, Adam kisses back with all his heart. Trevor can't find it in him to care enough to stop.

The only thing running through Trevor's mind is of course this is who they are. They're the couple who does gross PDA smack dab in the middle of the grocery store. Trevor is willing to concede that it couldn't be any other way than this, of course. It simply couldn't be.


That night at the live event, Trevor is teaming up with Montez and Angelo to fight Undisputed Era sans Adam, who's trying his best to distract Trevor from ringside. Whenever they're together and it's not being broadcast on television, the two usually have fun showcasing that they're dating while trying to use it to their advantage. And out of the two, Adam lives for it the most.

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