Start Of Love: Chapter 6

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Michael: hey you wanna go out?

Mary: Where?

Michael: What about KFC ?

Mary:oh yeah i love KFC alot

Michael: so do i !! Lets go !

*Michael drove the car by himself. When they were at the KFC paparazzi came with about of cameras and started taking photos .. and asking questions*

Journalist 1: mr jackson is that the secret mrs jackson?

Journalist 2: sir is that your girlfriend and your getting married ?

Journalist 3: are you gonna tell your fans about that girl ?

Journalist to Mary: ma'am are you having sex with Michael Jackson ?

Michael shouted: Go away!!!

Yeah she's my girlfriend and i love her okay! Now go away !!!

*Journalists still asking questions but Michael and Mary didn't answer*

Mary: Im Sorry i put you in this trouble .. i should not go out with you .. everybody gonna believe tabloids!

Michael: honey stop saying sorry its not your fault, that paparazzi always say something weird about me .. leave them ..

Mary: but you said to them that im your girlfriend ! I mean that's good but its not good for your fans they will think that i steal you from them ..

Michael: don't worry about that okay i love you and i revealed it

Mary: i was so embarrass about the sex question omj it was just so embarrassing !

Michael: make it true than hahaa!

Mary: omj you mean we should do that ?! No im shy alot haha.

Michael: haha okay we'll think about it next time !!

Mary: i believe you Michael .. i know you will forever love me .. you love me with your heart .. you want me, not my body ! I love you!

Michael: awww i love you most !

Mary: Michael you look tired go take a nap :) then ill meet you at

8:30 in the livingroom .. go to room now ..

*after 4 hours*

Michael wakeup get dressed by wearing a red jacket,white shirt,black fedora,white socks and black loafers..

Michael: Mary ?!

Mary: Honey you look so handsome!

Michael: why all the lights are closed Mary?

*Mary turn on the lights and there was a table with candles and food*

Michael: awww wow thanks Mary that's beautiful !

Mary: Michael we should start eating ..

*after eating Mary got something for Michael*

Michael: whats that ??

Mary: open it up

*it was a little box of red color and when Michael opened it, there was a ring for man in it*

Michael: What's that for ?

Mary: Michael Jackson, will you marry me ?

Michael: oh my God. That's what i should do ... Let me order a ring first..

Mary: No need now , answer my question .. im just changing the tradition by proposing a man haha ..

Michael: hahaha yes i do OMG im so embarrass *blushing*

Mary: i love you Michael ...

*they kissed and got engaged*

March 15

*Next day Michael ask Frank to arrange a press conference --

Frank: for what Mike man?

Michael: i have something to announce ..

Frank: okay

Frank called Michael and give him the details so tomorrow was the press conference.


March 16

Michael: i wanna announce that im engaged with my love Mary Walker .. we will get married as soon as possible .. thank you!

Journalists started asking questions but Michael get out of the press conference ..

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