Im Here With You: Chapter 11

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*after 8 months Mary had the miscarriage* Michael was very upset but he pretend that everything was totally fine*

Michael: hey beautiful.. how are you *kiss*

Mary: sorry Michael i disappointed you :(

Michael: no no baby it wasn't your fault, i know It's hard to lost our baby when he was 8 months in your womb .. im here okay.. never ever think that your alone !

Mary: Michael, can i ask you something? Please don't get mad at me

Michael: anything!?

Mary: what if i die?

Michael: shut the FUCK up okay!!!!! Don't you ever say that again okay!!!! I love you i cant live without you!!!

Mary: that's all i wanted to hear *smiled at Michael*

I live for you Michael ...

Michael: and you will live forever!

*tonight was New Year and Michael throw a party where he invited everyone from the singing industries*

Michael: i wanna say that this is my first new year party, i never celebrated my birthday,Christmas, or any event.. we all celebrate a Joseph and Kathrine Day.. and now im celebrating this new year for my beautiful love Mary .. thank you all for joining us .. let the party begin!!!!!

Diana Ross: Michael, wheres your princess??

Michael: oh she's upstairs getting ready ..

Liz: Michael dear come here, is she's fine?

Michael: yeah of course, she's great ..

*Mary came down to the hall, everybody started to clap and smiling at Mary* Michael looked at her, he was so shocked to see her in the black and red gown with black shoes*

Michael to Mary: Oh My GOD!! am i in heaven Mrs.Jackson ?

Mary: no Mr.Jackson your on the earth haha .. now close your mouth Michael everyone is stairing at us ..

Michael: ok sorry i was shocked .. your wearing my favorite colored gown i loved it *_*

Mary: im glad you liked it ..

*Liz announced that it's 11:59 so everyone get ready for the blast*

Everybody together: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*everybody started kissing and hugging eachother*

Michael to Mary: Happy New Year Baby .. your the only reason why im smiling and celebrating this day .. i hope your happy with me..

Mary: oh my ! Are you okay haha of course im loving you and im the happiest person in the world ..


Mary: yes?

Michael: ummm im trying to tell you that its new year and ummm we should personally celebrate it!

Mary: i dont understand?!

Michael: you want me to say the whole world?

Mary: yeah say it?

Michael: Well in our room we sould do the thing !

Mary: what thing?

Michael: SEX of course!!!!!

*Liz was standing next to Michael so she heard what Michael said*

Liz: so your in the New year party and your asking her for having sex tonight?!

Michael: What? Oh no no you hear me wrong.. i wasnt talking that oh God!

Mary: IM EMBARRASS!!! Why you ask ?!! God you could ask me in the room argh Michael !

Michael: well leave it haha

*party over, everybody goes to their houses and Michael and Mary were all alone in the whole big house*

Mary: Im going to take a shower okay ..

Michael: may i can join you Mrs.Jackson?

Mary: Mr.Jackson its up to you *sexy voice*

*Michael and Mary had a shower together it was a bit embarrassing but so very romantic... After that they slept*

*Next Morning*

January 1

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