🎈Hide and Seek🎈

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I walk up the steps and open the door wider straight ahead are stairs and on the left and right of me lies two rooms. I didn't know which one to chose and I'd be damned if I'm going up that creepy ass steps what if the steps couldn't support my weight?

I decided go to the room on my left since it still had some furniture inside. As I make my way in what I believe is the living room I see an old broken tv which I think someone threw a shoe inside of it... I know most girls my age wouldn't dare come into an old worn out house on a cloudy windy day but I'm not like most girls but I'm a women with a death wish so I'll take my chances. The living room was rather large the paint was chipped the couches were all worn out it was clear as day that there were rats living inside the cushions there were rat feces all of the place. Ugh I hate rats! "Why?" I heard a faint voice come from up stairs I was so shook I almost shitted myself. I wanted to leave. Right then and there. " why are you here? Did you come find us?" it was a little girls voice.

"He-hello?" I managed to slip a few words out I was shaking like a leaf! After 5 seconds without a response I dashed my way to the door grabbing the door knob for dear life "Wait!" She shouted I slowly turned around and looked up.....twins? Not the twins in "The Shinning" but actual non creepy set of twins. "Are you guys...real?" I'm curious but I still have my hand grasping on to the door if shit gets weird. The twin on the right giggles " Of course we're real!" The other one goes " We're waiting for our brother to find us but you did first." They start coming down the stairs hand in hand smiling at me I almost cracked a smile " Where's your brother?" They shrugged " we have no clue sometimes he finds us sometimes he doesn't." I grow worried they look about 5 or 6 there eyes were pinned on to me looking up at me with a sad look in there eyes "why didn't he come find us this time?" The one on the left said with a tear running down her eye what kind of a brother let's his baby sisters run around playing by themselves at almost the dead of night? What a jackass. I pat the girls on the head and flung open the door I hear growling from the right room and the girls did too "D-did you hear that Miss?" The girls grabbed on to my hoodie I was unable to move " WHO'S THERE?" I grabbed the girls as if they were groceries bags and dashed out the house there screams made me scream internally I had ran about 3 blocks before feeling as if we were at a safe place. I put the girls down each quickly held my hand one on the right side and the other on the left it actually felt nice being a big sister for a while we started walking until I cane to the realized of something. Where the hell are we even going? I don't even know these girls "Wait...where the hell are we even going?" I said to myself.

The twin on the left looked at me puzzled "Don't you know where we live?" What?! How'd the hell would I know where they'd live! Here I am with a hoodie covering up my head and some ripped up old jeans and some muddy converses holding hands with two little girls with pink puffy dresses with dirt all over them. We look like a damn murder trio before I could even think any further the right twin looked up at me then to her sister "Don't no body know where we live but us." I couldn't keep doing this I let the girls hands go and and squatted down in front of them so that we would be eye level " Look sweethearts we've ended up together now I gotta get you gals home. At least tell me your names so I can ask around, okay?" At this point I was tired and hungry and I knew the girls were cold because they had short sleeves on poor lil things. I thought long and hard on why the hell did I even walk into that damn house for? I should've gotten some candy and sat outside on the porch and ate it but noooo I had to go walk around like a lone wolf and walk inside a creepy ass house just to be a bad ass. "Ugh...I hate me sometimes" I put my hands over my face in pure frustration I peeked at the girls between my fingers that were still scared on how they were gonna get home. I smiled to relive them of any stress it seemed to have worked " Hey! You guys want some candy?" I forgot my sister gave me 20 bucks the girls smiled with glee at the thought of sweets.

( I honestly didn't even think I'd even get 1 reader but 6? It's the little achievements that matter hopefully I get 20 after this chapter! This is my first story and I know my grammar is crap but I'll improve eventually. Thank you for reading! I'll try to post more frequently starting now.)

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